Jun 24, 2005 12:32

totally forgot about live journal for a few months. besides that...

im happily happy with kevin
im 19 years old
it sucks
im having a good time
trying to move out of my house
just went to san francisco with kevin and dan
couldnt get into the les claypool show b.c im not 21
sat outside with kona(my doggy) talking to different people.
drug dealers
college students
went to haight-ashbury (again) while kev and dan were at the show
drove to the top of this hill and took picutres of the city below
the clouds were moving so fast
drove to modesto that same night
found a days inn
slept in kevin's car w/ kona and kevin
bc no dogs allowed in the rooms!
woke up in sweats
kevin wouldn't let me shower
then finally we got back to L.A

now my stomach hurts.
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