Feb 07, 2005 13:57
My computer is such a bastard. We actually get a program on to it that works beautifully and doesn't expose us to all the shit on the internet, and it now refuses to open. My computer murdered Firefox. Now I'm stuck using what is quite possibly the dumbest browser EVAR (MSN Explorer). The writing is all so tiny, it burns my eyes :(
Anyway..yesterday was Easter Seals Telethon day. I was afraid they were going to put me on the phones taking donations, because I'm most definitely not a phone person. But they put us into the Kids Party room, which was infinitely better..it was just one of the CBC studios set up with a stage for the performers, and a bunch of different activity tables for the kids. My mom and I got the Arts and Crafts table, which kicked ass :). We basically just stood around and supervised the kids as they arted.
And then Al the evil floor manager guy came over and made us bring out the bubbles.
He had brought these bubble wand things; y'know, the ones you dip in bubble solution and then wave around, and it produces these massive bubbles. He also brought those Touch-A-Bubble things, which are pretty neat, except when they land, they wrinkle and shrivel into these gross little piles of goo. It was all strictly photo-op stuff; he'd bring a few of the disabled kids over, hand them some bubbles, and then film them while one of the Telethon hosts would stand there and talk. Not a big problem, except it was incredibly messy..I now know why my mother didn't buy us a lot of bubbles when we were kids. I'm not complaining, because it was fun, but I had to sit there holding two or three tubes of bubble solution, while the kids dipped it in (splashing a lot of it in my eyes and all over my clothes, in the process), and then waved these huge bubbles, which usually ended up in my face. Not to mention the touch-a-bubbles which ended up in my hair. Some kids were cool about it, but every now and then there was the bratty kid who wouldn't share with anyone else, and who wouldn't listen when we told him to stay on the carpet, and would poke other kids in the eye. Every time we tried to put the bubbles away and hide them, another kid would come over and notice the wands sticking out from under the table, and the process would begin anew. I had to wash my hands about fifty times. I never want to see another bubble as long as I live.
But like I said, it was fun, we were in the studio with all the performers, so we got to see it all. It wasn't hugely exciting, just some stars of kids shows from CBC (weird freaks in bright clothes, strange wigs, and hideous makeup), plus the cast of Mamma Mia (omg Abba songs x_X), plus some highland dancers, plus Robert Munsch (my mom told me a funny story about how I went to one of his book-signings when I was four, and he asked me to spell my name, and I just looked at him. So my mom started to spell it for me, and he got all snippy with her. She's so bitter about it :P), plus others I can't remember. I was kind of hoping to see Pinball Clemmens, because he's apparently really cool, but he was at the Super Bowl. Football, feh. I drew a picture of a parrot, and they put it on one of the boards, so it may have gotten on TV (that was about as close to television exposure as I got; I was going to be in one of the bubble shots, but I chickened out). Oh, and lots of cute kids :)
Fun day, overall, maybe I'll do it again next year.