Stolen from Alison...

May 18, 2006 23:58

Once you are tagged write an entry about 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names. goes:

1. I am a compulsive picker. Pimples, scabs, sunburn peeling, if it's there, I pick. It also doesn't matter if it's on me or close friends or family - it's all game.
2. I check my alarm clock at school 129421852852 times before I go to bed. Leading me to the next one...
3. I am terrified of being late. I may seem like a casual, not-really-giving-a-damn person, but I do. I am always on time. Or early.
4. I am lactose intolerant - of course, it doesn't usually stop me from eating my favorite dairy foods like ice cream and cheese. Unfortunately, because I am a moron and keep eating these things, as well as the fact that I hate swallowing pills, I almost always have a stomachache from it.
5. I am not afraid of needles. However, everytime I get a shot or novacaine or something involving needles, no matter how big or small, I will pass out if I don't lay down afterwards. This could be a problem if I get a tattoo...
6. I cannot give blood. One, I faint. Two, I had a false positive for something the first time I donated so I never can again. Bummer.

And one more for a bonus...

7. I will not take pills, medication, or anything of that sort unless I am practically DYING. I hate hate hate taking pills. I will tough out killer cramps, mega migraines, and terrible toothaches before I swallow any pills. Why? Most pain relievers make my stomach sick, and I just don't like taking medicine.

I tag Hannah, Adam, Jane, Alice, Ryan, and Nikki!

P.S - I miss my sweetie :(
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