An ode to my friends...

Nov 09, 2004 09:43

I've been a bitch lately, and have forgotten about how great all of you are and how you are the best friends I could ever ask for. So here's a refresher for myself (as well as amusement for everyone else):

Jane: I've known you the longest and have been through a lot with you. I'll never forget all the fun we've had, especially working as P and VP of band! (i.e, dying Mr L's hair blue)I hope to see you more this year.

Hannah: You appreciate my quirks and don't think I'm strange. You let me be a child sometimes and put up with me when I'm in supertard mode. Thank you for never giving up on me. Let's hang over Winter Break.

Brandon: My only guy friend from high school left...and now you are far away. You were always there for me, even when your life was so much harder. I always admired your ability to get knocked down and get back up. I miss you.

Phil: Ah, geez. I've only known you for a year, but you never fail to make me laugh. You're an awesome MarioKart partner and pal.

Mario: "I just got fucked" Oh, Mario, the things you say. You are the 2nd highest scorer on Adam's quotes list, and always intrigue me with your Peruvian-ness.

Hess: Great minds think alike. It scares me how much you and I ARE alike, (mentally, of course). You have an amazing amount of energy and never give up.

Rachel: Two words. SUGAR HIGH! :)

Alision: You are my long lost twin. I hope to get to know you better this year, because you are too good of a friend to lose. Here's to future roomies! :)

Adam: Oh, sweetie. You're simply the best. You never give up, and are the most hard-working, wonderful person I know. You have never given up on me, and never stopped loving me, even when I have been a total and complete bitchoid. I love you, and I hope our love endures.

...and here my ode comes to an end, here's to life, and I love my friends!
Nicole <3
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