Hooray for judicially sanctioned plagiarism

Oct 22, 2010 16:58

Dear Supreme Court of the Philippines,

Not only did one of your Justices plagiarize and try to pass it off as a harmless mistake, you have jeopardized the intellectual property of every creative person in the country just to cover up her fuck-up. Now your decision can be cited by every lazy student copypasting Wikipedia entries on their papers.

And then you have the gall to threaten sanctions on an institution that tries to call you out on your bullshit?
It described the UP law professors’ statement as “totally unnecessary, uncalled for and a rash act of misplaced vigilance.”

“Many types of criticisms leveled at the judiciary cross the line to become harmful and irresponsible attacks,” it said.

You all make me sick.*

No love,

This doesn't include the 3 Justices who gave dissenting opinions, of course.
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