things i contemplate while at work

Jul 13, 2009 20:35

I've always had a secret fondness for these fugly MMDA signages. There, I've admitted it. I just feel that they are unjustly maligned, having been lumped together with the admittedly hideous footbridges and the pink male urinals as a collective example of "bad design." Maybe some of it is borne from people's hostility towards MMDA? Idk.

But leaving behind their sociopolitical baggage, let's take into account only the text (The original signs say, "Walang tawiran, nakamamatay." A very rough translation of it is, "Crossing here is fatal.") and the form. It has classy font, albeit the notorious Arial. There's something cheerfully ironic about having such a morbid message conveyed in pink. The white band that acts as a border is a nice touch. It even has a quite prepossessing shade.

I don't know how to defend Bayani Fernando's official website, though.

To do:
Write a review of Fly by Night by Frances Hardinge and Whisper of the Heart. Why so lazeeeeeeeee.

rl, thinky thoughts

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