Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)14:43
No. 15113976 Work out and learn martial arts, then you won't get manhandled by Suzaku so much.
Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)14:44
No. 15113982 Get some goddamn muscles and stamina, Jesus Christ.
Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)14:44
No. 15114002 When you start assassinating the Royal Family, skip Clovis and head straight for killing Schneizel. Trust me on this one.
Buster Machine Number Seven !Fdoqdwjqh6 09/29/08(Mon)14:46
No. 15114047 Always use the order "Obey me from now on".
Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)14:51
No. 15114186 >>15113918When you meet a man named Jeremiah, tell him your true name, trust me on this one.
Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)14:54
No. 15114250 Hit on Suzaku's sweet ass when you get older. Trust me on this one.
Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)15:24
No. 15114952 Let Suzaku buttsex you when you're older. Trust me on this one.
Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)15:38
No. 15115293 Don't joke about killing all the Japanese. It's not funny.
Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)15:39
No. 15115324 Sleep with Suzaku right from the beginning. Save yourself the trouble.