(no subject)

Sep 27, 2008 20:52

I was going all happy to watch Supernatural, and then found my two brothers watching the newest Heroes episodes I had already seen and found myself having to wait, and with time on my hands.

So, instead of watching the awesome series I love so much and having to wait, I thought "Hey, I should use this time to do something cool." So I went to /a/.

Upon entering /a/, I find a Shirley (Code Geass) thread, and not so shockingly, it was homo-hijacked AND Rolo-hijacked.

Upon seeing those awesome Rolo pictures, I thought "D'awwwww, why is Rollo so cute, even though I disliked him at first?"

So, why is Rolo cute? Is it because he's a shota? What makes a shota cute?

I came up with two reasons.

Reason #1: clothes that are way too big for them.

I mean, d'aawww. It's so cute when they wear shirts or jackets that are too big for them. It makes them look so small and innocent. And then they usually have these big, shiny eyes that just makes you want to hug them. Look at him!

The clothes are not overly big, but not just-his-size either. It's the perfect size, and then his eyes. Goddamn it, Rollo. So cute~

Rule #2: Shorts.

What's with shotas and having to wear shorts? I don't know. I don't think anyone knows. But it, again, makes them look somewhat small and adorable.

Look at him. The picture of innocence. Also, that short would look really fucking short IRL. But who cares. Cute Rollo is cute~

So, conclusions?

Clothing size is not a constant. It's relative to the moe aspect you want to give your shota.

Your shota cuteness, however, is a constant. It's always going to be pretty high, and you'll always have that lingering feeling to glomp the shota and bring them home.

That is all.

This really fucking creepy entry was brought to you by Lily's boredom a.k.a. Lily having way too much time on her hands.

Stay tuned for more.

code geass, lulz, shota

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