► Today was one of the most boring days to ever bore me at work. Can my boss please come back soon? I dunno if he'll even pop up this week, I fear he might just come back next week. Ugh. :( I don't really have that much to do, and my conscience is a bitch and won't let me do many things other than... trying to find something work-related to do. I wish I had better stalling skillz orz
► I made a guest post on
mefloraine 's blog today about Angel Beats! and that made me feel zuper special <3 I also feel kind of heartless writing that because of
astrialite 's overly emotional response to it, and I just thought "Aw, it was okay" ;-;
day 09★a song you can dance to
... I don't really dance. I jump and be hyper, but dancing? I'm incapable of doing it seriously. So I'll post something that always gets me jumping around my room.
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