
Feb 06, 2007 21:57

Writing this in my hour break at school. I'll post it later.
(Ok.. tried to put it in an LJ-cut but weirdly it cuts out half the text! Fuck it.)

We went to see my sis this weekend, and see Joel (her bf)'s production as promised. We got to Durham about midday and instead of like usual, my sister got on the train when it came through Durham and we went on to the next stop which is Newcastle and did some shopping there and had lunch. I've never been to NC before. It's very very big and BUSY! Ellie needed a suit for her job interviews so we went and she tried one on and ended up with a very nice outfit. I wanted a new bag for school 'coz my shoulder bag irks me a lot when I'm walking and it's heavy with my stuff and aches my shoulder and bangs my hip.... it's not bad as some of the bags today, those useless stylish lil things you can't put a pad of paper and a pencil case in, but not the most practical. So I got a nice new rucksack which is MUCH comfier.
We went back to Durham about 4-5 and went to our B&B, which is right opposite the road to Ellie, we could stand at our window and wave at her as she went in her front door, lol. It was a nice room, was only a bit annoying at night time when the bulb blew in the bathroom, cutting out the electricity for the whole room and too late to be fixed. That sucked a bit.

We went to the theatre and met Joel's family before the play: his father and his new partner (fiance even), the fiance's mother, Joel's twin brother and his GF, his grandfather, and his mother. (Was a bit difficult with his father+fiance and his mother... the mother was quite left out and totally took over mum, lol, and wouldn't leave her alone. She has an odd way of looking at you and made me feel a bit uncertain, I didn't know quite what to make of her with the history we've heard). But everyone was very nice really and apparently they liked us.

The play was fantastic!!! It was the story of 'Sweeney Todd, the demon barber of Fleet Street' - set between 100-200 yrs ago, basically the guy lost all he loved through corrupt people and was left ruined, and obsessively seeks revenge. He opens up his old barber shop and starts business, and starts killing people: he sits them in his chair to shave them and slits their throats, and then more horrible... stamps on the floor three times and pulls a lever on the chair and a trapdoor opens up and the bodies fall through into the bakehouse of the pie shop below, where the Mrs Lovett, who is in love with him, goes along with his scheme and bakes the victims into pies! I don't describe it well, there's so many little moments and threads that tie in together to make a far more complex story. But it was really really good, really scary, gruesome though no blood was even seen, very black humour and great singing.
Joel plays a little boy called Toby, an orphan who sort of drifts from master to master, whoever'll feed him, and becomes very affectionate with Mrs L. He fears for her safety, suspecting something odd about Sweeney Todd, and sings her a lovely lil song - "Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around" *wipes eye* He was soooo fab, he was sort of the comic relief, bringing a bit of sweetness in and you just smiled whenever he came on 'coz he has such a sweet expressive face, hehe :) In the end he finds out the truth and goes insane, and he played that bit SO well. After Sweeney Todd kills the pie lady, Toby kills him, ending the play.

Joel was so happy we came and we all enjoyed so much and everyone was v proud of him. We had to stand and talk to everyone again for a looong time and it was about 11.30 then... me and Ellie felt a bit sick and headachy and faint 'coz we'd not eaten since lunch, lol.
We got fish and chips and took them back to our room, ate them and went to bed... we felt crap soon after after eating that at midnight, but we still managed a cooked breakfast in the morning LOL

Sunday was a bit difficult. Joel's family had insisted we meet them for lunch before they had to go back too, but we were supposed to be watching Ellie play rugby. Ellie made an elaborate scheme with taxis here and there and everywhere to deliver me and mum to the sports ground, we'd all rush back and up and down Durham with the bags and etc to get us to the station on time for our booked train... but the rugby was cancelled 'coz of the frost. Ellie had asked me and mum to watch her before and we'd tried but that time was cancelled as well... I think Ellie was really just relieved though that all the rush was gone. We hung around at hers in the warm for a bit and then mooched around the shops in Durham for an hour before we met them. I got ANOTHER bag, lol... I'd really hoped for two, one for school and then I also just wanted a little bag really, a bit like a handbag, where I could just put my purse, keys, a bottle of water, hairbrush, whatever, small things for when I don't wanna lug my big schoolbag around.
We met Joel's family again for lunch in a FAB cafe where they do the best cakes in England, which was nice... then home at 3.15. It was quite sad to leave Ellie again.. we have a very nice time together when we're away from home...

Ellie will NOT be happy with us when she gets home. We've found out now that she'll come home for a weekend 'coz she has a job interview in London in 3 weeks time. EEK.
We're having sooo much decorating and odd-jobs work atm. Ellie wasn't happy about it all and wanted us to wait until the summer to do these kind of things, 'coz she's worried about having an easy place to work at Easter when she'll have a lot of revision. But things being as they are, we really didn't want to wait for these jobs... couldn't even now. So we've not really told her that it's happening now... we assumed she guessed things were, coz we told her we had the decorater round... I'm hoping things will be more ship-shape in 3 weeks time!!!

Our friend Paul is with us for this week and I think he may come back next week too for 2 days or so, then we hope he'll come back at a later date. He's helping mainly with the study which is a wreck, the walls need treating and painting, the windows are painted shut, the carpet is being taken away and a new one put down on Friday. He's taken the sink out of my room and will paint it soon, and as soon as I've made a final decision on my paint he can paint Ellie's room. We're swapping rooms, you see. We planned to make a room in the attic but it isn't possible now, so since Ellie has pretty much moved out, I'll get her room which is bigger. My room at the minute has none and I've been living very haphazardly for a year or so... coz we didn't think we'd have to do much with that room as a spare room. But now we'll make it lovely for her... paint it pink like she wanted and get desks made and wardrobe so it'll be much better than it's been while I've lived there, lol. Trouble is, that'll take a few weeks at least so I doubt it'll be all done by the time Ellie's back :( At least her room will be painted though and I hope some of her furniture is in place... the study will be all done hopefully and Mum's gonna dedicate it to Ellie all the time she's home.
When the study is done and the carpet laid, we can move its furniture in, and we'll move my computer in there too 'coz mine and Ellie's rooms we can then swap the furniture around. I think Mum'll keep my computer actually... it's supposed to be more of a work one and with my amount of 'leisure' clutter it's not so suited to me, I've nearly filled it up :"> It's not built so much to cope with that, that purpose. We'll take my stuff off it and reformat it then empty, it'll be so fast and perfect for her since she never saves anything and uses it twice a week or so, hehe.
I dunno when exactly I'll get a new comp but until I do I can still use it in there at least. We already called the computer man and he sells them too, and seems it won't be a problem to get a new one, and it sounds good. Phew :)

The last week or so has been SOOOO cold... wow! Frozen! Today when I walked in - still walking! And I plan to walk home today too, and both ways tomorrow again... - the leaves were all tinted silver, so pretty.
It's been kinda crap though. Our boiler had a problem and when we called the plumber and described it, he thought it was just an air bubble inside and could wait for a bit to be fixed, since HOPEFULLY (*sigh*) when the architect got a move on we'd be building soon. We could just turn it down a bit and it would still run, but over the week it got worse and shut itself off more and more until by Friday it didn't work at all. Thank god it shut itself off tho............
We were away in the weekend and came back Sunday night to an absolute icebox. Mum asked me if I'd wanna sleep in her bed for body heat and it was a damn good idea, we ended up in there together both with our clothes on, a hot water bottle each, and 3 duvets on top of us, LOL. It was miserable waking up after a bad night and getting out of bed so early to talk to Paul - you were just hit by it!
Well Paul had a look at it when I was gone, and mum was gone too, and he thought something was up, this wasn't just air bubbles... it's been making booming loud noises like gunshots, or someone pounding on the door, scared the hell out of me when I was in the kitchen late at night... he had a little look and called my mum and then called the plumber, who said again how he'd thought it was air bubbles... apparently Paul held the phone to the boiler and Aaron the plumber said he'd be there in 5 minutes *g*
And he was. He cancelled all his afternoon jobs and worked on it all afternoon, and it's a good thing... according to him and Paul we're lucky to be alive. There was a huge problem inside it and it was v v dangerous... the loud noises were little explosions 'coz gas was escaping.. and it's blown a hole in our bathroom wall apparently! When I think of mum and Paul standing next to it...... Aaron seemed very apologetic and unnerved, I think he was a bit shaken too but I hope he doesn't feel bad... he's such a nice man and he couldn't have known. He took pictures of it 'coz apparently he'd never seen anything like it before: when he took it apart, it turned out it was all stuck together inside with sellotape!!! The woman who lived here before us was a bit odd and though she was well off, seems she did things on the cheap, including some that NEEDED spending money to do them properly to be safe...

We have a new boiler now, which is wonderful! I'd love to be warm at the moment... the plumber will also be back this week to do some work with the radiators, several of which don't work... it's still cold but at least the livingroom radiators work. The hall, kitchen and mum and my rooms aren't warm, so will hopefully work... I slept in my bedroom last night but under 3 duvets, and it's a bit of a wreck since the sink is now in the middle of the room and the desk too, so they need squeezing past to get to my computer and bed. All my bits and bobs are downstairs in the dining room.. a considerable amount, lol. I'm not sure if it'll be my last night in my room for a while... I'd think they'll soon paint it and then I'll have to go in with mum until it's all done.

Difficult! What a mess!!! Fingers crossed it'll be a bit better when Ellie's home, not the mad house it is now...

Uni is ok... well. Not enjoying it at the moment because it's gotten very difficult. I think quite depressedly about it atm but I'm ok really and will have to do the things I fear I can't... will have to do them somehow! Just some things I'm scared of facing 'coz I dunno how to do them or if I even can. But there's no option really.. when the time comes I'll simply HAVE to, no other option.

My head's a little screwy at the moment anyhow. God knows.

I'm going to be away probably until the weekend til Paul finishes painting my room. Hate that at the moment, shit timing, but what choice do I have. None.

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