Jul 12, 2004 19:25
as most of you know i've been hitting up the gym in hopes of having a smokin' body when my husband gets home. i have the BEST teacher because she is great at motivating people. if she sees me slacking off in class she'll come over and say, "how do you expect to get hot for your husband just laying there. let's go girl- move, move, move!" i love this because i'm a lazy person by nature and i've never worked out until now. but yeah the other morning she was playing the best songs. then drops of jupiter by train comes on and i almost lost it. i remembered sitting in josh's truck almost three years ago listening to that song over and over and over because he loved it. and i remembered how perfect he was to me and how perfect it felt just driving around enterprise. i missed him so much right then. i remember being so nervous around josh back then because i wanted everything to be perfect around him and look at me now- i'm busting my ass so i can try to achieve just a tiny little bit of perfection for him again. i love that boy. *sighs* wow- i used the word perfect alot in this post.