Jul 04, 2004 18:52
OMFG! all total, we have bout $4oo werth of fireworks!~ haha.. my table is COVERED! it is fuckin awsome! everything emaginable is there..
hmm.. so i went campin last weekend.. make out with this really hot guy! haha.. hmm.. then him n his friend stole all of our pipes.. that sucked..
um.. yesterday we got our boat ficked.. (oh yea, we got a boat and a 65 in. tv) and i went n got stoned with my dads friend.. hahaha..
i start work tomorrow! aah! mmm money..
haha.. andy cut his hair..tehe,, his b-day is onthe 31st,, n his sisters is onthe 1st of next month i think, n i think tylers is onthe 9th er sumthing
ppl call me! my house is boring n i dont have internet there n e more 307-9118!!! CALL CALL CALL, N E ONE CALL!