Apr 18, 2008 15:01
1. We now have a creepy Barnes and Noble stalker. He wasn't there this afternoon, but we didn't stay long enough for him to show up or find us. I hope he doesn't ruin it for us; where would we spend our time!? We practically live there. I don't know if it's the group as a whole he's fascinated with or me in particular, but he seems to draw a peculiar pleasure from criticizing everything I do. From equating my writing major to a third grade Language Arts class to lecturing me when I apologized while getting out of his way (He said "excuse me," and I said, "Oh, sorry!" and stepped out of his way. A PERFECTLY NORMAL, polite response!), it's really strange and horrifying. We went the other night to pick out an anthology of short fiction for my independent study next semester (I got to pick out the book), and he lurked creepily behind the bookshelf, listening to our conversation, only coming around when Chad pointed it out, and then cornered me with a story about how the employees had had no idea what I meant when I asked about "short fiction anthologies." Admittedly, if it's true, it's rather horrifying, but still, he had me cornered for like ten minutes. (Okay, I exaggerate.) He "has a PhD in Communications," and is "overeducated and underemployed." Or something.
2. Holy crap, Sing the Sorrow is a good album. I mean, really. It was practically on repeat in high school and I still can't get over its awesomeness. It's really difficult to type an entry when I want to stop and perform every song.
4. SPRING AWAKENINGGGGGGGGGGG. Seriously Chad we are stage-dooring the crap out of that show. Lea Michele's autograph will be mine!
5. I need to write so badly but I can't seem to do it on the computer anymore. Weird!
6. Rite Aid, you fail at sunscreen. NO facial stuff, and barely any of the rest of it!
7. Dancing Through Sunday basically has the best guitar solo in the history of all guitar solos. Oh, Jade Puget, why do you kill me.
8. Sadly, I can't go see Hanson in Allentown because it's the same weekend as SPRING AWAKENING OMG CHAD CAN YOU STAND IT. Taylor Hanson will have to fall in love with me at another show, I suppose.
9. LOL look at my icon. I need his sunglasses.