
May 03, 2005 19:35

wow havnt updated in awhile.. umm well nothing really has happened altely expect for me nd erin arent really frineds with amdna and kristi anymore.. idk why or even how i got in this shit but u kno what i dont really care... o yeah today at lunch James Roach got in a fight with Terrence.. omg it was so weired cuz like first i thought they were playin around ( cuz i was sitting right in front of them ) and james pushed terrence and terrence fell on the ground and then they got up and terrence hit james in the face and then james tackled him and started hittin him and james knocked out one of terrences teeth and then mr.devito jumped on a table and tackled james and a bunch of tables went sliding.. it was crazy cuz no one really kno's why it happened.. it jus did .. hahaha ok anyway.. ome this morning me nd hannah were standing over next to the gym and she called <3 Stephen <3 over there to ask him to see his sentences for Language arts so they were talkin and then when he walked away hannah goes " you were lookin at his dick " and i was like " no i diffently wesnt " cuz i wesnt.. it was so funnie ... but stephen in pretty hot!! lmfao... o lord and then today at the skatte park i seen * Vinny * aw i miss him so much and he took off wtih Calebs fone and we all went running and then we got kicked out opf the library for " lollygaging " w/e that is.. lol.. nd then i came home and now im sitting here board outta my mind!! well im out.. i'll update later.. comment <33

xO Kc
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