(no subject)

Dec 30, 2004 13:01

yaaaaaaay almost new years!! hopefully 2005 is much better than 04 cuz 04 was by far one of my shittiest years ive had to live thru.
lets see
started off, literally, the second it turned midnight i was at winterflash with my youth group and matt (u all remember matt) he told me that as soon as we got back he was leaving for oregon to see his best friend Kandi for 4 days (ya he forgot to tell me or something) when he was there he turned his cell phone off for all 4 of the days didnt call me even ONCE ya so that was shitty, but even after that our relationship was like down the toilet the next three months spent me crying and him crying and us trying to break up then trying to make it work again til finally he broke up with me on st. patricks day
theeeen like two weeks later i was dating corey and he was dating kandi
i relapsed a week into being with corey, stopped going to church and caring about all that stuff stopped going to school started skipping classes grades went down the toilet literally...
snuck out to prom got caught grounded for like 2 months cell phone taken away forever..
drunken summer didnt get caught and grounded til like november AFTER i had quit drinking for good czu i was sick of it already...good gracious
school started off shitty bad grades same old drama at eastlake i want to get out asap
corey drama still
julien drama ugh
family drama aka my little sister and jared n anne breaking up
turned 17, still dont have my license cuz of my dads forever changing reasons

only good things this past year, volleyball and eric. well so far with eric its been good who knows how it'll end up *shrug* hopefully good cuz he's a really good guy and does the sweetest things EVER...last night i drove home early from the mall cuz he wanted me 2 and when we got back he told me he was in redmond on his way to seattle so i was upset cuz of what he was doing so danny and i went to mcdonalds to eat and 10 minutes later eric showed up, saying he knew i was upset and couldnt leave til he had seen me and given me a kiss. i was like...are you jooooking me not one of my like 100 past boyfriends has ever done something like that..cuz then he just took me with him. holy smokes challz it was adorable cuz i had been sooooooo upset cuz of what he planned on doing/was doing when i called and i denied it over the phone but he knew it anyway so he came back to get me. aww i love the kid

Anyway, so volleyball and eric, two good things from this year. Hopefully second semester at school isnt as bad as the first one either, who knows. blah.
i love you eric!
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