Oct 07, 2008 00:53
That's the one thing I am ultimately grateful for in my older age. I have completely embraced my long held self-determined mentality of open-mindedness and with that came the desire to better understand that which I took at a basic level. Now I'm sure that sentences are rather obscure in their context but I am basically saying that I'm glad I formed a general desire to know and contemplate the various values that loosely held. Only within the last two or so years have I begun to understand the pieces of myself better and finally put a deeper meaning to what I believed when I was young by developing the "why" of it all. What was the reason for my political stance of being "pro-choice" and others? It was finally when I started to really see the world beyond my shielded and ignorant years of adolescence did an answer come to me for all that I valued and supported. They might not have been the answers that worked for everyone's understanding of me but I was confident in my views, which have so far yet to waver. But that's not to say that I have chosen to ignore the argument to everyone of my belief's opposite, quite the opposite actually. But even so, I knew what was best for what I believed what right and wrong. Not the neighbor's version of right and wrong but my own. Because I could only be me; I couldn't be anyone else.
I know in all the twenty years that have shaped my life that only the last four or so have really begun to mean something to my overall being. This is, I know, in complete combat to what most psychologists say about our childhood being the part of our existence that really is an impact on us. But for someone who can't really remember her first day of fifth grade being in Conyers for the first year, it understandable that the more moving portions of my life are the ones where I was given a real chance to grab onto the things that could broaden my understanding accordingly.
As for whether or not my self-revelations were good or not is completely subjective. Just like good/right and bad/wrong are subjective. Because often two people, despite living in the same house, have similar values of the two. The thing is that I love myself for the more radical and placid parts of me both equally. I will probably always have the same beliefs I do now. Though that may be hard to determine, I have never been more confident in my choices and beliefs to suddenly disregard them now that I have found them within me.