Jul 21, 2009 18:03
I hate looking for a new job. Goddamn I gotta start my MSW app. I just never know what to write. The application essay makes my brain melt. I wish I could go sit in Chris's office and talk to her about this. Facebook just doesn't cut it.
The mission of the School of Social Welfare is to educate students whose skill, compassion, and commitment will enhance individual and community well-being. The School is guided by social work values, emphasizing an abiding belief in the capacity of human beings to transform themselves and a deep understanding of the social context that supports or deters this transformation. We are committed, through education, research, and service to the pursuit of a more just, human society, and to the empowerment of individuals and communities. Therefore, to prepare students for competent professional practice, the curriculum focuses on complex interrelationships among political, economic, historic, and cultural forces that shape human situations.
Considering the School's mission statement and themes, write a cogent narrative statement that addresses the following questions
(1) There are many helping professions. Given the above mission statement, discuss why you have chosen to enter the profession of social work.
(2) Discuss the factors that led to your decision, including exposure to and involvement in diverse life, cultural, educational, employment, and/or volunteer experience as a social worker.
(3) What do you hope to gain from you graduate education? How do your hopes relate to your future plans a social worker?
I have all these scattered thoughts about this, and I've written them down, but nothing coherent ever comes of it.