(no subject)

Nov 03, 2005 21:22

::Questions About You::.
.::About You::.
.::What is your FULL name?::.: Samantha Lynn Estrella
.::How old are you?::.: 15
.::When's your birthday?::.: 8/3/90
.::Which one of these are you?! {Punk, Prep, Goth, Freak, Gangsta, Emo} ::.: Prep
.::What's your Zodac Sign?::.: leo
.::How much do you weigh?::.: 148
.::How tall are you?::.: 5'8"
.::Are you, skinny, chunky, chubby, fat, or extra fat?::.: hmm.. i wouldn't say skinny.. im muscular
.::Love Life::.....
.::Are you in love?::.: yeah
.::If so, with whom?::.: jeff
.::Who do you wish to be in love with?::.: jeff
.::Have you ever hugged that person?::.: yes
.::Have you ever kissed that person?::.: yep
.::Did you ever have sex with that person?::.: no
.::If not, do you want to?::.: hmhmhm ;)
.::How long have you known this person?::.: ummm since i was like 8.. but we never really talked till like a year and a half ago
.::Do you want to marry this person?::.: hmm.. i dont really think that far ahead.
.::What's your favorite color?::.: pink
.::What's your favorite band/singer?::.: aslyn
.::What's your favorite radio station?::.: 94.5
.::What's your favorite type of shoes?::.: clogs & flip flops
.::What's your favorite stores to shop at?::.: hollister, ae, a&f
.::What's your favorite fast food resturaunt?::.: Subway
.::What's your favorite fancy resturaunt?::.: Fancy? olive garden
.::What's your favorite type of food?::.: italian
.::What's your favorite drink?::.: water
.::What's your favorite color eyes?::.: blue
.::What's your favorite color hair?::.: brown
.::What's your favorite type of animal?::.: dolphin
.::What's your favorite subject in school?::.: spanish
.::What's your favorite show?::.: gilmore girls & laguna
.::What's your favorite movie?::.: there are alotttt
.::This or That::.....
.::Party or the Beach?::.: partyyyyy on the beach ;)
.::Coke or Sprite?::.: coke
.::Doggies or Kitties?::.: dog
.::Shorts or Pants?::.: shorts
.::T-Shirts or Long Sleeved?::.: tshirts
.::House or Apartment?::.: house
.::AIM or MSN?::.: aim
.::Lions or Tigers?::.: tigers
.::Love or Lust?::.: love
.::Marrige or Sex Partner?::.: marrige
.::Hairspray or Gel?::.: both
.::A Couple Best Friends or Lots of Friends?::.: couple best
.::Bath or Shower?::.: shower
.::DVD Player or VCR?::.: dvd
.::Shoes or Sandals?::.: sandals
.::Lipstick or Lipgloss?::.: gloss
.::Fan or AC?::.: ac
.::God or Devil?::.: god
.::Your Name::.......
.::Do people misspell your name?::.: last name yes
.::If so, first or last name?::.: last
.::How do they misspell it?::.: astrella.. estrela
.::How many other people do you know, with the same first name as you?::.: omg like a bajillionnn
.::What about your last name? (Not including family)::.: none
.::Is anybody named after you?::.: nope
.::Are you named after anyone?::.: noo
.::Would you name your child the same name as you?::.: nope
.::If you were a member of the opposite sex.. what would your name be?::.: who knows.. prob something gay lol
.::Do you like your name right now?::.: i guess so
.::How many friends do you have?::.: a lot
.::How many best friends do you have?::.: seven
.::Do you trust your friends?::.: yeah most of the time
.::If so, who?::.: alyssa beth bethany ariana heather sammi vee
.::Are any of your friends straight?::.: yeah most of them
.::If so, how many?::.: a lot
.::Are any of your friends Bi?::.: sure
.::If so, how many?::.: only a few i know of
.::Are any of your friends Gay/Lesbian?::.: yea
.::If so, how many?::.: like 3
.::Do you tell your friends your secrets?::.: yea some of them
.::Hyperest?::.: ariana
.::Funniest?::.: bethany
.::Shyest?::.: sammi
.::Sweetest?::.: bethany
.::Most Ghettoiest?::.: vanessa yo
.::Smartest?::.: alyssa
.::Ditziest?::.: sammi
.::Weirdest?::.: probably me
.::Stupidest::.: heather lol
.::Smelliest?::.: umm i dno
.::Newest?::.: LONDONNN
.::Preppiest?::.: alyssa
.::Most Gothic?::.: none of them really
.::Loudest?::.: ariana
.::Sluttiest::.: none :)
.::Quietest::.: sammi
.::Who's your longest, known friend?::.: beth
.::How many years?::.: since i was like 3 so like 12 years
.::Have Your Ever...::...
.::Smoked?::.: yea
.::Got drunk?::.: yea
.::Kissed a member of the same sex?::.: yea
.::Bunked school? {How many times?}::.: yea a few
.::Had sex?::.: no
.::Cybered?::.: no i think its stupid
.::Gone skinny dippin'?::.: of course
.::Spent money on someone you really liked when they didn't like you?::.: yup
.::Liked your friends b/f or g/f?::.: maybe at one point..
.::Told off a teacher?::.: yup
.::Told off your parents?::.: yes
.::Had surgery? {If so, why?}::.: yes.. tonsils and adnoids.. and teeth pulled
.::Got beating up?::.: nope
.::Played strip poker?::.: yutt
.::Thought about killing yourself?::.: yea
.::Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?::.: yup
.::Broken the law? {If so, how?}::.: yes.. a lot of ways
.::Hurt yourself?::.: yup
.::Liked someone who didn't like you back?::.: i think everyone has
.::Do You Believe In...::......
.::God?::.: yes
.::Ghosts?::.: yup
.::Miracles?::.: yes
.::Good Luck?::.: yut
.::Magic?::.: sure
.::Love at first sight?::.: not love
.::Witches/Worlocks?::.: yea
.::Staying faithful to your partner forever?::.: yupp
.::Santa, Easter Bunny or the Tooth Farie?::.: noo
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