I hate nature. Its just like reality

Jun 14, 2004 18:53

I have no respect whatsoever for a man who has a family, and quits his, job without another one lined up-right in the middle of a rough time. There are so many men out there who believe that it is the womans job to "stay at home, cook, clean ,and take care of the children." However, how do they expect us to just stay home and do that- when they want to quit all the damn time. Men are stupid.

Get this....

I was sittin here on the computer, when I looked out of my window and saw this damn cat from across the street chasin a poor little helpless mouse in our driveway (which my mom calls a rat- but I do not like that term..too harsh) So, I ran out there- and the damn cat had already caught it was carryin it to its house. I watched the cat drop it in my neighbors (its home) plant-y area by there door. So, I scared the cat off, then ran back over to our house, and got some shoes on- went over there and picked the poor little guy up. It was so horrible. I thought maybe he wasnt fully dead (or at least I was hopin) because he moved....but I guess it was just his nerves. Me, being the person I am- just walked right into our house with him in my hand- and told Jim that he had better get rid of that damn cat. So of course- he starts gettin onto me about carryin a "rat" into the house "they carry all types of disease" blah blah blah until finally I got over my trance and told him "I dont freakin care." I hope that cat gets some type of disease and another cat eats him. Now, dont get my wrong- I love all animals of the world- but that damn cat needs to learn a lesson. And sure- it is in the cats nature- and I do not fully blame the cat- if its stupid, arrogant damn owners would keep him in the house- I wouldnt want to drown it. Come on, that poor little mouse barely took up my whole hand when I had him in it, he never had a chance. And get this- a stupid blonde girl was in her car" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="http://search.targetwords.com/u.search?x=5977|1||||cars|AA1VDw">car- in front of our driveway watchin it! Have some freakin respect to help a poor little defenseless mouse for cryin out loud! He didnt deserve to die. Especially like that.If only I would have noticed early- maybe I could have saved him. Now, just let me see that damn cat get after a rabbit or somethin- I promise I will kill it.
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