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Jul 16, 2007 23:16


Young Atheism:


Being Anti Social:


Darfur[if you know about it]:


School System[anything involving school]:





The Enviornment:





Global Warming:


ECT. ECT. ECT. [feel free to pick your own topic. Write about as many as you want. No Limits!]
How does it effect people? Both those involved and those around.

Where does it apply? anywhere in particular?

And how come it happens? In your reasoning

What do you think? say anything. your entitled your opinon and people will know you better if they know your views.


Hate? Love? reasons.

Answer truthfully and says what you want. No Strict guidelines, just speak your mind, and don't be shy. Your insight is muchly appreciated, and hearing your thoughts, opinons, and ideas on a topic let people see more of you than explaining yourself.

#1 RULE- Don't Put People Down! everyone is entitled their own opinons and should be respected for saying them. Thank you<3

My Views

Suicide-As someone that almost did. I now have come to know it was a selfish decision, and I am happy I didn't comit to it. It effects the family and friends, and in my case it would have effected the guy I almost died because of. It happened to me, only because I was stressed, because the guy I liked was much older and a teacher. [Ya I know Icky] and it didn't help when he tried to blackmail me with the love letter I gave him. In my mind Death was the only way to show him I loved him alot. And thanks to family and friends, I keep the morbid and depressing things in my poetry, and don't act on them. Suicide can apply anywhere, not just in your neighborhood. It happens in cities, towns, public schools, and private schools. It happens to celebrities, and the kid next door, it is everywhere...and no where. [Sorry if I was too honest, and no one needed to know this, but I like being honest]

Young Atheism- Well as someone that is atheist, I believe it is okay to not believe in what you don't have faith in, or care about. Most people are atheist because they don't believe in god, or anything like it, and don't believe or care how he/she created the world and blah blah blah. I believe it is found everywhere. And I do not believe age makes much of a difference in the belief and life we live. Being atheist is just another choice we have as being human beings. And sometimes it is better to believe in no one, and have no strings attached, or Believe in the forces more complex than us. it is just how people grew up, choose to live, and choose to believe.

Cliques- I guess we are all guilty of being in cliques, because a clique is a group. Over time cliques have changed, now they have more variety of people. I do agree people are more open to being around different people, or at least in my area. We do have some problems with name calling and other harassment like things, such as calling people clones, and telling them they have no individuality. Cliques are everywhere, school,work,public places, and online.
Cliques make people feel safer, like they aren't alone. Having a group like you, makes one feel less strange. Though I don't have a clique [that i know of] myself I do have some opinon on it.

Being Anti Social- I don't truly believe it is someone literally trying to be alone. I don't try to be alone, I just have less friends in school than most people do. I believe it happens because someone is scared or nervous, but sometimes people just like to be alone. Anti Social people are everywhere, there may not be tons of 100% anti social people out there, but no doubt everyone has seen someone being anti social, or sitting alone at a table.

Homosexuality: Love is Love. whether it be with two of the same sex, or two of the opposite. Not to pick on homophobic people, but i don't get why anyone would be afraid of gay people. it makes no sense to me. it is cruel and unhuman.

Dalfur[if you know about it]:if anyone doesn't know, Dalfur is in Sudan. And they are a big conflict right now. Starving, dying, fighting, trying to live to the next day. The janjaweed are at the root of the evil. 2.5 million displaced. 450,000 dead from violense and disease. 9,000 people have been killed, although this figure is seen as counterfactual. it is being called genocide. i think is it terriable how tragic the world is and how many conflicts there are. Life isn't suposed to be lived like this, it is suposed to some kind of okay place, somewhere where life is taken everyday in crude numbers, and wicked ways. people are suposed to die of old age happy with their family by their side, not alone, cold, dying slowly young, or leaving children behind. Not the life i signed up for, to hear about these tragedies. Not how i pictured the world to be when i grew up.

Bush: I think he is trying...and failing. he does seem quite uneduacted and ill on the seat of president. I am waiting for the new president to figure out and fix all of Bush's mistakes. If that is psycically possiable.

School System[anything involving school]: I think alot of the teachers are not into it enough. School needs to be more fun to learn in. the way it is set up students sleep all day, or annoyed the teacher. Both fun things to do, but i want more out of school. i want to get my four years working for me not against me. I don't like spanish, it is needed i understand. but not to be mean to spanish speaking people, but this is the U.S we speak english, so they should speak it. not the other way around. i'd understand if we went to a different country we would need to respect them by speaking their tongue, not forcing them to speak ours because it is convinient. It is a tiresome agruement, but deserves to be heard. well on the subject, i hate how other schools can afford other languages like german. I want to learn Mandarin and japanese. Two of my favorite cultures.

Death: People should die of old age with their families by their side. Not Young, stupid and Niave. people should overpass stupidity and not do harmful drugs, drink too much, do daring acts, sleep around without protection, Comit suicide and drunk drive. there are tons of ways to die, everyone can be survived with proper knowledge, a deep breathe, and thinking of the pros and cons.

Myspace: I like it...hate how people go over board on hating it, complaining about picture comments, having the most views and friends. it is so overrated in the end.

Love: exists, pretty confusing, blind, sappy and strange. I believe love has been commercialized too much and the meaning is next to useless when said. hearts of golden love turned to plastic and poetry of the soul now stolen and found online. i think it can still be found...just even harder now...

Poetry: LOVE IT. what's better than one's soul writing on paper for all to reads one's truest most deepest thoughts. to me poetry can't lie, it can only inspire. it is love felt, tear drawing, and true expression of one's heart, mind and soul neating writing in ways the viewer may come to understand. Unique and thought provoking, poetry is one of the best things ever. it helps people colp, by writing down their pain,sorrow, love even. it always helps when read to feel better or forget what tortured souls suffer.

The Enviornment: Needs to be taken care of, animals can put up a fight, but it is our job as homospapians to protect the other animals of the life cycle. without them we are nothing, we need them to live, breathe, and learn. sometimes we all forget we are animals too, and that we have to look out for our families. less evolved and more evolved.

Anorexia: don't get it...guess i'd have to be stuck in their head to understand this. the only thing i can say it never call someone ugly, fat, unperfect, or too weight. that is one of the many things that can start it.

Bulimia: umm i hate bulimics...they waste food. they pretend to eat so people don't know, than throw it up. it may seem rude, but seriously get better and stop wasting food. same as anorexia, people being rude or what not...

Freedom: don't think we have it truly. everyone is always put down for saying what they want, publishing what they want and doing what they want. freedom sure we say we have it, but next time your put down or arrested for protesting your rights...Think i am glad to be an american who has freedom. That is all.

War: unbelievible pointless, only leads to more fights,hate, death, And injuries both internal and external. who ever thought killer people would make things easier was an idiot or sadist!

Global Warming: Very sad, the polar bear video makes me cry. the glaciers are melting and the bears can't swim long enough to find new land. their death is our fault, with cars, polluting, ect. it is just not fair for them :[

Cloning:Hoping it doesn't end up like one of those horror movies where the clones turn out to be evil and kill everyone. i think it should say with the cause of saving extinct aniamals. people die...but animals die mostly because of us. so i think we owe them big time.

>End Of Rant
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