I guess I'll update this thing...

Sep 30, 2009 23:21

So I haven't posted in this thing in a while. Partly because LJ is looking more barren and more broken. What's the deal with my friends page?

Anywho, here's your half year update!

I'm getting married in 1 month. Halloween! Then we're off to our 1 week honeymoon at fabulous Disney World.

We bought our wedding rings already. Mine is a shiny tungsten ring. I like it.

I bought the suit I'll get married in today. Suit, shoes, pocket square, everything. It'll be the first suit I've worn in years.

I got a promotion! I am now a "team lead", AKA manager.

We have pet rabbits. One of them is mostly cute. The other is mostly evil.

The house is doing alright. Other than minor leaks and some ants, it's been pretty good.

Alright, that's all for now.
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