080517 Hollywood Bowl: Yunjae ♥ Sheration

May 22, 2008 01:13

They look like a real hollywood celeb couple, now don't they? ♥♥♥ Brangelia are on par. xD!

JJ's secshy outfit is making up for the lack of Yunjae moment or the opposite proves true?
Yunho sshi, look at your secshy wife!

Omo... I think Yunho listened to me!!! *hearts hearts*
Why do I have the feeling that Junsu was stealing glances at Taeyeon? And Jessica couldn't take her eyes off of Chun?
Chunnie, what a ladies' man!

Edit: this is why YH kept looking at JJ's direction at the end of the concert. xD

YH: My boo is this way!

YH: Damnit these ppl are blocking my view of JJ!

YH: ♥ JJ ah, look at me~~~
JJ: *no response*

YH: *never gives up-- keeps looking in that direction*

YH: (a few -lyrical- lines later) *is still at it*
JJ: #%@^*!(@&!)

jaeho, yunjae, picspam

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