Sep 03, 2010 13:24
Well I did loose some weight, but I ended up having a rough patch in the middle of the week.
I'll tell you what happened, I cut out too much sugar. so I crashed mid week, feeling worn out and tired, so I had to have something sweet, I bought a caramilk bar and only ate a couple of pieces, this cheered me up immensely a little bit of chocolate and I felt better. the bar stayed in my work locker, if I felt run down a piece or two was a great pick me up, I didn't need a whole bar. I figured this was a huge step forward in my long term weight loss plans, I know now I don't need a whole bar to satisfy a sugar or chocolate craving.
One thing I found helped allot is brewing my own iced tea. In the morning I boil enough water to fill a glass pitcher. and toss in a tea bag, a few drops of Stevia to sweeten it, and lemon juice. I then let it steep and cool for a few hours, adding in ice occasionally to speed the cooling. the pitcher is enough to fill two thermoses one thermos is enough for one day at work.
Stevia is great stuff for making a "Sweet" tea blend, and it's a safe natural alternate sweetener
While I won't go whole hog next week, I will use allot of the things I learned this week with my long term goals