
Oct 26, 2009 01:45

it seems this is the year of the Zombie for me. I'm on a huge Zombie kick right now and the media seems happy to fuel it for me.
First off was Rainfurrest my first furry con which had a zombie theme http://www.rainfurrest.org/2009/index.php I took three costumes one of which I zombified http://www.flickr.com/photos/whitepaws_husky/3978710446/in/pool-rainfurrest I shed much blood for this costume

Next up was the movie Zombieland. awesome, awesome movie if you haven't yet seen it do so. its a perfect mix of funny and scary

I realised I now had a thing for zombies so when to my bookstore to find reading material. I was surprised to see no Zombieland tie ins but I quickly tracked down two books Zombie survival guide, and Pride and prejudice and Zombies. I devoured the survival guide but couldn't get into the pride and prejudice one, I'll try again later http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Zombie_Survival_Guide

Then came my first ever Zombie walk http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/video/video.php?v=163441716850&ref=mf I had to much fun on this. I was one of those zombies instead of having a blank expression was grinning like a idiot through most of the walk, which is evidenced in the many videos I seemed to have cropped up in. if you can't see the facebook one I show up briefly in this much longer video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9iXxLLHblU look for the zombie in the Micheal Jackson Jacket there are plenty more vids and pictures on the event page. I seem to be in more than half of the videos http://www.facebook.com/events.php?ref=sb#/event.php?eid=164207580567&index=1

After that I went and found another book by the same author of the survival guide titled "World War Z" so far I'm loving it as much as the survival guide.

This past Sat was my latest foray into the world of zombie with Thrill The World or TTW http://www.thrilltheworld.com/
the Calgary event page can be found here http://www.ttw09calgarythriller.com/
Hopefully we broke records. I think it may be announced on Oprah this week when the main organizer is a guest

Hope you all have a fun and Zombie filled Halloween but careful they are a bit bitey
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