Jun 26, 2005 20:28
[01] what's your first name? Richard
[02] middle name? I have two. Leon Roland
[03] last name? Horrocks
[04] nickname? A few. Dragon, Bunny, Rich, Hero, Lone, CAD Hottrox, Cuon, Aengar, Deongil, Richrine Silverclaw, etc.
[05] age? 18
[06] gender? male
[07] birthday? December 16, 1986
[08] your sign? Saggitarius
[09] where do u live? N. Fort Myers, FL
[10] do u have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope. Not really.
[11] if so what's her/his name? *blinks* are you deaf?
[12] have you ever been in love? A couple times.
[13] who are/were your crushes? Riiiiight....
[14] do you have any piercings, or want any piercings? Yes. Want more.
[15] if so what do you have/want pierced? have: left ear want: lip, a couple more ear piercings, maybe a few other places.
[16] do you have a tattoo or want one? don't have any yet, but i want some
[17] if so what kind and where? want: not sure yet
[18] where do u shop the most? wherever
[19] what color is your hair? brown
[20] what color are your eyes? bluish grey
[21] how tall are you? 5'10"
[23] do you smoke? sometimes
[24] do your friends smoke? some
[25] who are your closest friends? Ryan and Athena (they live the closest)
[26] who are your friends? Joe, Sean, Charlie, Chris
[27] who are your best friends online? Ammy, Rae, Adam, Trista, Angel, Terry, Andi. and Linny. :D
[28] do you like bath & body works? never been there
[29] kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? whatever i feel like at that particular moment
[30] is your hair short or long? medium right now. i want it long, but i never make it there. usually get up the nerve to cut it.
[31] do you like to shop? not really
[32] what sports do you play? whatever
[33] what turns you on? the button on the back of my neck
[34] what turns you off? same button
[35] what place do you go for fun? my room
[36] what do you do for fun? play video games, read books, play with fire
[37] how many phones do you have in your house? 4. two cell phones, and two cordless handsets.
[38] how many tv's do you have in your house? 3
[39] what's your favorite food(s)? anything i can make in a few minutes
[40] do you look like anyone famous? nope
[41] do you think Ashanti is hot? nope
[43] are you a virgin? yep
[44] do you wish to be like your parents? nope
[45] what perfume should a hot girl wear? something that smells good, maybe?
[46] what are you listening to right now? the tv
[48] how many hours per day do you spend talking on the phone? depends
[49] do you have your own phone line? i have my own cell phone
[51] what are your favorite shoes? the comfortable ones with orange trim
[52] what was your first screen name? i think it was swampy567
[53] what's your favorite soda? mountain dew livewire
[54] what things do you say a lot? nya, boing, your mom, fuck
[57] do you think you're weird or funny? yeah
[59] who was the last person you called? Athena. The ho didn't answer. Her and her stupid job...
[60] where do you wanna get married? *blinks* on Earth. What can I say? It's my home planet.
[61] who is the hottest girl/guy in your school? *blinks* school?
[62] what are your favorite girl names? Whatever the mother comes up with
[63] what are your favorite guy names? Whatever the mother comes up with
[64] what's your worst memory in the past 5 years? that one sandwich i had once. it was horrible......
[65] what's your favorite childhood memory? i can't remember it
[66] what is your favorite fast food restaurant? whatever we drive by when i'm hungry
[67] who do you really hate? nobody
[68] do you have any brothers and sisters? two half sisters and two half brothers
[70] do you have a pool? nope
[71] do you have a spa? nope
[72] are you stupid? yup
[73] what are you addicted to? i don't get addicted
[74] do you like jewelry? nah. i like shiny things in general, though
[75] who do you wish you were? santa claus. that dude knows how to live. work week? one day a year. has midget indentured servants, an awesome ride with flying reindeer, and dude.... free cookies....
[76] who has it easier, boys or girls? guys. admit it. the worst thing we have is we gotta be nagged by women.
[77] would you rather be short or tall? tall
[78] do you like to dance? nope
[79] do you like playing pranks on people? nah
[80] what's your least favorite subject in school? math *destroys it with a large frag grenade*
[81] what's your favorite subject in school? english
[82] what time is it? 9:13 PM