So, this girl Cyndal at the haunt had a dream about me. lollll

Oct 08, 2012 16:42

I woke up in a apartment. Everyone from the haunt was there including Shadows and his assistant, Mistress Tala, all of the zombies (Martha, Ronda, Aldo, Meleek, Jenny, Buddy, Venassa, and me of course), all of the blood doll room, everyone in the kitchen (Tempest, Aurora, and Amanda), Joey from the closet monster room, The magician and his victim, All of the people from Freak Show (Bob, Chika, and Joe), all of the clowns, that guy on stilts, the chainsaw guy, and all of the management of course. (I’d like to point out that I only listed names if I knew them and if I did list names and one or two were missing from that room they didn’t appear in my dream. Everyone was in make-up.)

It was night, around seven or eight. It was just starting to get dark and there were some of the zombies (who lived with me in this dream) in our apartment getting ready for a dance, kind of like a homecoming but just people from the haunt were aloud to be present. Everyone had formal wear on and looked amazing except for the make-up which looked hideous like always. It appeared I was already dressed and ready to go. I got up and started talking to everyone, asking things like where’s the dance and who all is going.

Not long after we all go outside and leave in a vehicle with tremendously large tires and like 6 steps you have to take to get into it. It was absolutely massive big enough to fit 30 people comfortably. The outside of it was sleek and black it’s shape reminded me of a hearse. The inside had torn red velvet seating and dust and cobwebs on the chandeliers hanging from the ceilings which were seemingly too high. It was eerie but still very nice ignoring all of the planned filth and muck.

We arrive at a mansion, one that was decidedly scary. Everyone got a little jumpy when we arrived. Something in the air became heavy and uncomfortable. We were then inside, everyone mingling with their counterparts and drinking punch, which looked suspiciously like blood. It was an odd site with everyone in this terrifying make-up dressed up to their finest talking and drinking punch like nothing was strange. Chika was running around giving rides to everyone. (Note that she was twice her size and the lower half of her body was that of a werewolf.) I found this rather odd for some reason and watched her intently. She would run a few times around the room, which was big most likely the main hall and just like the hearse had chandeliers with cobwebs and filth and dusk everywhere, then stop put them down and go to the next person.

She then picked up a girl dressed in zombie make-up that I knew somehow but I don’t believe existed in the real world. Her name was Claire and she was getting her third ride on Chika. Unlike normal Chika ran around twice then disappeared behind a curtain when she apparently thought no one was watching and didn’t come back for almost an hour. Claire did not return with her and I couldn’t find her for the rest of the night. We then rode the hearse like vehicle home to our apartment after a night fully of scary fun and as soon as I walked in the door I knew something was wrong. I was subconsciously aware something bad is happening or about to happen. Even though nothing had changed in the house.

It was about midnight and we all went straight to bed not bothering to get changed or anything. About two hours later we all awake to the sound of a howl. Vanessa and I ran to the window, followed by the rest of the zombies to over look the mountain in the distance. Chika was standing there, on that mountain, fully monster howling at the full moon. Theres a loud bang from behind us, everyone flings around to see that something had fallen off of the shelf and when we look back Chika is no longer on that mountain. She was lunging down coming straight for our defenseless building.

(Note that everyone working at the haunt lived within the building but in separate rooms. You were placed in rooms with the people you work with in your room in the haunt.) We all start franticly running around trying to think of what to do and I then run to the hall to find that everyone else is also aware of our coming demise. The whole building is in shambles all scared for their lives not knowing where to go. Everyone stops to listen to the ripping and cracking of Chika breaking her way through the door that leads to the main hall. Everyone darts back to their rooms and begins the barricade their doors. (The zombies had the last apartment on the top floor)

Everyone hears the door downstairs give in. There was then cold dead silence, for one minute, then two, three. The silence is then broken by a sheer scream by that of the blood doll and her friends. We all realize now that Chika was going to kill every last one of us. There was the terrible sound of ripping popping and cracking as we listen to our friends get massacred. Then silence then same thing happens again, and again. She was going room by room getting us all. The zombies run frantic trying to find another way out.

In the kitchen theres a window which has a ladder down to the ground outside. All of us pushing and shoving one another to get out because we could hear her getting closer. Someone pushed too hard and buddy is pushed out and plummets to the ground outside. He doesn’t survive. Everyone then starts screaming and gets more frantic trying to get out. One by one everyone goes down me being last I let Vanessa go before me. When its time for me to go i hear a crashing and splintering noise, Chika has made it to our apartment.

I scramble on to the ladder nearly losing my grip to meet the same horrid death as Buddy. I make it 3 rungs down the ladder when i see Chika reach out and nearly grasp my hand but the window is too small. She desperately tries to get me, soon realizing what we’ve done she disappears from the window and we hear her barreling through the complex. We all start running away from the building toward the forest beneath the mountain. Martha trips pulling Ronda down with her. They scream at us to keep running and we do but I glance around to see Chika getting to them and start ripping them apart like they we made of some thing as soft and fragile as tissue paper.

I look forward to see the remaining zombies sprinting for dear life. Aldo, Meleek, Jenny, Vanessa and I the only remaining of a house full to the brim with helpless souls. Nearly sixty people to start with and now only five people left. Jenny suddenly shrieks in pain as you hear a sickly snapping noise. Nearly entering the forest she manages to stumble onto a bear trap nearly losing her leg she lays there screaming and yelping for help but no one stops all to fearful of the Chika running for us. Now in the forest we don’t dare look back. Then there was an ear splitting shriek that abruptly stops.

Vanessa and I separate from Aldo and Maleek as we all rip through the woods for our lives. We turn to our right as they go straight and neither of us think to stay together. I pull Vanessa back in the direction of the apartment thinking maybe we could lose her if we change direction. Going at full speed we make it back to the building and enter through the front and we slow almost to a stop looking over the carnage Chika has caused. Bodies shredded to unrecognizable pulps along with broken furniture and splintered wood everywhere. We make it up to the top floor both of us sobbing for our lost family.

We look to eachother Vanessa’s face contorts in anger and sadness as she runs to the door ans screams for her boyfriend remembering that he was in the first floor apartment. I let her go to be by herself to find and mourn her lost love. I then go into our apartment and search the carnage. Everything strewn about and broken claw marks on the walls and blood thrown randomly.

I go into the kitchen to find the fridge cracked open and a hand had fallen out. I run over and through the door open to find our missing friend Claire ripped and bloody. Half of her face gone and her body contorted and broken, every part of her bent and angled at places they shouldn't be. Fear wells up inside me as I turn to the window just in time to see Aldo and Meleek make it to the top of the mountain Chika right behind them. They pause and turn to her, everything seems to freeze in that moment, I stand there nearly holding my breath waiting to see what happens. She pauses to look at them, then lunges and takes them both.

I fall to the floor lost in my misery. Vanessa comes up now and sits by me hardly noticing our friend strew about in the fridge, probably too upset to notice or think. I tell her what had happened to our friends on the mountain. We sit there holding eachother and mourning with all of the energy we have left. The two of us almost wishing she had taken us too. Neither wanting to live without all of the people we have just lost. We stand and look to the window. Chika is gone, we see Martha, Ronda, and Jenny’s bodies on the ground outside. They seemed too still and I hold back a sob. Now trying to stay strong and thinking about what we are to do now.

A sad creepy song starts playing downstairs. Noticeably void of words. We turn around to see a little girl I’ve never seen before and before we can say or do anything she shrieks at us and her face and jaw open to impossible size and everything goes black. I say to myself before I lose all awareness “So this is what death feels like.”

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