nuzlocke challenge - The Adventures of Yolo

Aug 21, 2012 14:38

Story so far:

Obtained KFC the (male) Torchic.
First pokemon caught: Shimmy the (female) Wurmple, lvl 2
Shimmy slaughtered by wild zigzagoon at lvl 4, avenged by KFC.

Caught Zuko the (male) Zigzagoon, despite having a vendetta against them after the death of Shimmy.
Zuko proves himself ot be quite useful, finding much-needed items such as full heals, potions, rare candies and pokeballs.

Trying not to cry every time Zuko kills a wurmple.

Aquired Trouble the (male) Taillow, very fast learner, will be a valuable asset to my team.

Soon after, capture Scritch the (male) Slackoth. I am very concerned he is gong to get himself killed, being he's so lazy, he only moves every other turn. You would think this guy was a honey badger with how little fucks he gives.

defeat magma punk in the forest, get through there no problem, big pimpin' spending G. look at my swagger.

Make it to Rusterboro, skipped along the side routes a little early, caught Puggzly the (male) Wishmur, much to my dismay. I was hoping for a ninjask.

I have trained KFC up to level 16, to where he evolved, so I could fight through the first gym (Rock type) without getting myself slaughtered. My only other way I could have beaten this gym is if I traded my Slackoth for some girl's Makuhita. I couldn't bring myself to do it, even though Scritch is a lazy fuck.

Right after defeating the gym, I stole back something from a Team Magma grunt for a 2nd time, and was given a letter and a package to drop off - one of them to my next destination, Dewford Town. I am about to start on my way back to The guy with the boat's place.
I've decided to teach the HM:Cut to Zuko - replacing tackle - has the same accuracy, only a little stronger. Good trade-off for now.

I've set sail for Dewford, and walked into a large place full of people jabbering about something called "Pretty Plush Doll". I guess it's the new fad. I can't complain, I like plushies, too.

I've just caught a Magikarp (male, lvl 10). His name is Mr. Wiggles. He is.. very, very quiet. It's a bit unnerving. Sometimes I think he might already be dead.

Makuhita acquired, the first female I've caught since my dearly departed Shimmy. I have decided to name her Kirstie, after Kirstie Alley.

There is a problem. I do not have a pokemon capable of using flash. I'm not sure what to do..

.....A moment of silence for Scritch the Slakoth, taken out by Brawly's Makuhita. :( ....

I have sailed back to the woods to catch a Shroomish. I know this partially goes against the rules, but I had no pokemon I could teach flash.. and using the HM is required to get through the island cave. So.. here's Tripping the Shroomish, my current tm whore.

After a grueling time in the Cave, I made it to Steven and delivered the letter. Kirstie and Puggzly were lifesavers, getting through that cave.... but every time I look at Kirstie.. it hurts. As much as I complained about Scritch, I loved that lazy bastard.

Edit: Captured a Gulpin (female) after arriving in Sailport. I'm naming her Pudding. I have never trained a Gulpin before, so I am kindof excited about this catch.
Refreshing battles on the beach - I have high hopes for pudding.

Went to deliver the package to Captain Stern. and everything was going great until the fire nation attacked but then team magma burst through the door to steal the parts I traveled so damn far to deliver. I slapped those bitches around and sent them home to their mothers.

Lately I've been wandering around the outskirts of Saleport, battled a pair of twins, an angry fisherman, and now I am in the Trick House finding my way through. The Trick Master sure is a strange fellow.. how he didn't expect me to stop him hiding under his table, i will never know.
Solved the trick house mystery, it was easy. The REAL myster is, how does The Trick Master rocket himself from the floor and out through his ceiling.. ... and his house.. totally an optical illusion, looks much smaller from the outside.

Vigorously training; Puggzly evolved into a Loudred.

EDIT: Got a decent amount of sleep in a tree.
Training, just like last night, is intense. Zuko just evolved into a Linoone, I couldn't be more proud.

Ran into my neighbor... HE KILLED MY PUGGZLY. ...oddly enough... who was wearing... the same white, silk scarf that Scritch was wearing when he passed..
I'm going to fry up your fucking Marshtop, neighbor boy.

Yolo starts wearing Silk Scarf, in memory of her dearly departed pokemon.

I have captured a Marill (female). I've dubbed her, Mochi.
Holy crapballs, Mochi is growing fast. She's a real beast with defence curl x rollout. She evolved into an Azumarill before I even left the place I caught her!

Battled a family of pokemon trainers - they gave me a macho brace since I kicked their asses. I don't think I'm going to use it, though.. I don't like the idea of my pokemon being slow. If only Scritch was still alive.. he could use the macho brace..

((I've already used 2 out of my 3 hard resets. I have a feeling I won't be making it as far through this game as I'd like))

Trouble evolved into a Swellow. Training the bejeezus out of everyone before battling through the rest of the electric gym.

I aquired the Dynamo Badge from Wallace. Poor Pudding almost bit the dust - surviving with just a smidge of health left. Good job, team. Excellent work!

I've captured Humptyhump the (male) numel. He'll be chillin' in the PC for now.

Edit: Kirstie evolved into a Hariyama. Excellent..

Captured Bindi the (female) Torkal, and Chatman the (male) Machop.

Stayed the night with some sweet old lady. I can tell she's pretty damn lonely with how inviting she was to have me stay longer. I think I've heard ghost stories like this, now that I think about it...

Caught a Sandshrew. Named her Basket. ...she reminds me of a wicker basket..
((I technically cheated, and also caught a spinda... I couldn't help myself, I thought his face spots were too cute to pass up... if you don't know, Spindas have random spot patterns on their faces.. named him Cutie.))

I walked through a place that rains ashes. It's pretty cool looking, and fun to run around in the grass, but I could really use some goggles right about now. I like the lack sun around these parts, even if the surroundings makes me feel like I'm inhaling an ashtray.

Arrived at a town, ran through, caught a Swablu, named him Fluff, went back through the town, took a nap near a bridge, then went to play in the ashes again.

Pudding evolved into a Swalot... and I must admit, she is retarded cute for being the weird blob thing that she is.

Moseyed into a cave, where Team Magma and Team Aqua were exchanging words. Magma ran off with some red orb to make a volcano erupt, I went to follow, but was attacked by a Zubat, which I quickly caught. I decided to thoroughly explore the cave and beyond, found a few trainers on the other side, came back, leveled up, ran back to the volcano, wooped everyone's ass and then hopped my way down the side of the mountain to a town with a hot spring. After just a long freaking day, I decided to spend my evening in said hot spring. An old lady handed me a mysterious egg.. so I put Kirstie in the PC and decided to care for it.

Edit: This stupid bitch kept telling me I could hop back up the mountain on my bike, but for the life of me I couldn't figre out how. I gave up on doing that, and instead challenged Flannary or whatever her name is, the fire-type gym leader in this town. I crushed her with flying colors.
I happened to run into my neighbor, who gave me an awesome pair of steampunk goggles. I used them to mosey my way through the desert, where I was attacked by a Trappinch which I immediately caught. I also picked up a fossil that looks like a claw.. sadly, the fossil with the root fell through the sand before I could grab that one, too. I suppose this is what I get for not teaching anyone on my team how to dig.

Anyway, I decided to head back downt he Mauville and give this one bitch the Harbor Mail I forgot to give her, in exchange for a Coin Case. While I was down there, I hopped on the bike path and paid the trick master a visit. Damn, is he weird as ever, hiding behind potted plants and flying off into the ceiling like a rocket. The only hard part about his antics and mazes, is how he manages to launch himself like that...
My mystery egg hatched into a Wynaut, who I named Willie, and I spent the rest of the day training him until he evolved into a Wobuffet. I'm.. currently debating if I want him on my team or not.

Edit: I put Willie back into the PC and took Kirstie back. I then explored the other half of the deasert, ran through the same cave where I caught my torkal. I had to rush Zuko and Kirstie to the nice old lady's house to cure them of poisoning, being there were no pokecenters around for miles. Bless that old lady.

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