Oct 09, 2008 14:26
Wound up never doing the games yesterday afternoon and evening thanks to car trouble. The alternator went, costing me 350$ to replace. Glad it wasn't anything more than that. Though, it's just kind of ironic. Just when i want to relax a bit from working, i now need to rack up some more gigs to earn that money back. That was a lot I didn't plan to blow.
headache = ouch
I'm finding myself addicted to coffee, more ritualistically than an actual caffeine craving. It's become my thing to stop in the coffee shop on campus every tuesday and thursday morning after my Creative Writing class during my two hour break before my Communication class starts. I find myself just out of habit asking for either some form of frappe or my usual double macchiato with caramel. Of course, I'm spaced out like Ozric Tentacles, gazing out the window while trying to come up with things to write about or plans to ponder either for the Muckdogs meetings in November or stuff for classes.
where was I going with that...? *zone*
trying to finish up my second piece of fiction for class, it's going slower than I'd like. Hopefully will have it done before the end of the my 4 day weekend.