Jul 27, 2004 22:25
Can you all see my last entry? Just look down at it for a little bit. It says I was taking a test for "Jacket" You know who that is? A guy. My friend. His name was Justin Andrew Sane. Pretty funny eh? But it turns out...that really wasnt HER name at all. Justin is really some BiTcH from Union City. Haha, Tim why are you calling her a bitch? This bitch lied to more than 20 people about who she really was for years. From what I can remember a little over 2 years. This bitch lied to me. I'm not easily fooled. As a matter of fact I'm very cautious. I don't show it, but every time I talk to someone I don't know well, I question if they are who they say. This bitch fooled me. Fooled me pretty fucking damn well. Funny thing is, she did it for fun. She pretended to be this Justin person for fun. She kept up her fun for 2 years. Playing with peoples emotions, telling them lies about life and many other things. The past week I was accused by the bitch that I wanted her/"Jacket" dead. I didn't. But now I do. I haven't been this angry for so long. If I could find this bitch, I would tear her limb from limb. I probably could. I probably should.