Another day at school

Sep 30, 2004 21:25

I made a 92 on my psy test and a 94 on my math test and a 105 on my geo test. I am wrecking shop. I got to talking with people and all they say is that they want to be rich. I think i am to far gone in this whole vaules thing to ever think money is a realy positive thing. I think all it does is lead to a life of misery. I wish more people didnt eat meat. Because thats an easy sign to tell if someone cares about somthing or not. I just dont like this one min fix kind of people. People that think the new hyped movie is the best movie ever. Or each new person you meet is the One. Its all a temporary fix and temp fixes are not cool. We to me they aren't. ANd i hate how when i talk to people i have to dumb myself down, and i usally just say a bunch of meaningless crap. So i am going to just avoid convosations where i put myself in a situation were i am not tell the truth 100% Thats all for now i am going to bed.
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