Photography is one of my few hobbies I feel okay about letting people at work know about. It's strange. Objectively, comics, roller derby, science fiction & fantasy books and movies, tabletop roleplaying, video games, blogging, cartoons etc. are not all that odd or difficult to talk about. I can't even say I'm ashamed of them. And yet I still don't bring them up, despite making my coworkers think I do nothing but watch TV whenever I'm home.
But the nature of the corporate workplace means I am constantly on the defensive, forever waiting for coworkers to make the first sign that they're part of the "club" before revealing myself (and never getting it). I suppose there are so few activities that are considered absolutely safe and socially acceptable, that are the easy shorthands for conversation and therefore creating the impression of closeness and relationships with people you just don't get to spend much time with.
My BD team in Adelaide tend to use shopping and boys as their bonding conversations, and sometimes discuss diet and exercise. I have rarely found these conversations to be my strong point, so I am not doing so great right now.
In any case, I've mentioned the photography thing a couple of times, and now I've been trusted with taking the photos for tomorrow's Rugby Sevens Family Day Wolfram & Hart are hosting*. This is pretty awesome - they're not expecting professional quality photos, and aren't actually allowed to distribute these photos with their branding on them to clients, so it's an excuse to go practice with barely any pressure! And I think going in a semi-official role will make me feel better about approaching strangers, because I'll have the persona to hide behind, in a way.
I'm actually looking forward to it, though I have no idea what to expect. I now have a polo shirt with the Wolfram & Hart logo on it, which is vaguely amusing.
Hopefully enough of the photos will turn out well that I won't embarrass myself.
In other news - I made a
moussaka tonight! And having some delicious
mead with it. It's been a while since I've documented my cooking adventures, and I think there have been some successes I'm particularly proud of.
The moussaka isn't a new recipe for me, but it's the first time I've made it since moving here. I'd forgotten how much I love it.
Wish me luck for tomorrow! I have emptied out my memory cards and am charging my spare battery just in case!
* We have some sort of Rugby tournament going on in Adelaide. Wolframs are a sponsor, and we've been having a few events in the lead up to this weekend, culminating in the Family Day.