Lessons from Mad Men

Sep 16, 2010 22:47

I've been realising more and more recently that most of my guidelines for navigating both the workplace and life-with-responsibilities-in-general have come from Mad Men.

It may be set in the 1960s, but apparently that doesn't really matter.

I've been collecting image stills from the show to illustrate my lessons.

Dress to impress.

Be cautious, especially with alcohol. (Basically, the whole show could serve as the lesson...)

You have to socialise. Even if it's horrendously awkward.

Socialise, but don't fraternise.

If you don't ask, you don't get.

Manage expectations.

Especially if you are just sleeping in your office.

Being of a minority, it's not uncommon to feel like this. 

If you're uncertain about something big*, talk about it with a manager before it's too late.

Also, not so much a rule as being brave like Peggy - go to the doctor like an adult!

And finally -

Expense accounts may not help you pick up, but they make you feel pretty good.

* Especially if it involves a client.

Listening to: Hans Zimmer - Mombasa
via FoxyTunes   

wolfram & hart

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