Chicken fish

Jan 29, 2010 23:23

Guess who was too chicken to ask about disappearing from work?

Go on! Guess!

But I did it. I got through it. And naturally, my manager made me feel bad by giving me useful feedback and asking if I was interested in staying another week (I said no - hopefully I was appreciative and regretful, rather than clinging desperately to my shiny talisman of interview + other commitments next week as one would against the vampires).

It is done. Tomorrow I go shopping for interview clothes (there have been many abortive attempts before now, but if all else fails I have my stuff I've worn to previous interviews, though they're obviously cursed and simply Will Not Do for further interviewing as they've never led to a job offer), do some preparation for the interview, and go to training in the evening.

Speaking of training, I'm talking to more derby girls mainly as a by-product of being injured and actually having something to talk about at training. I felt so much better after work on Wednesday when I went to training, though I still chickened out of the weaving exercises. I can't let myself do that any more, as the Yellow Star re-test date is two weeks away, and weaving will be assessed. My new brace is apparently doing its job in preventing my ankle from swelling up again, though it could just be my ankle's mostly healed and will behave on its own now.

One thing from this injury saga is that I no longer trust my ankle  - I stare at it most nights and usually end up having to compare it to my other ankle to figure out if it may have swollen when I wasn't paying attention. Also, ankles are weird. I don't really spend much time considering my feet so this whole experience has been interesting.

Now that I'm unemployed again, however, I plan to start running again. And doing extra skating training on my own. I think I would have surprised myself a year ago saying such things.

Sunday, will be full on interview preparation. Sunday night will be full on anxiety and no sleep, I imagine.

I feel like I've just gotten through one trial (admittedly it may not have been as bad as I thought it was), only to settle back down into a prepared stance for the next one. I'm like a squat little bulldog, going to force my way through with brute strength rather than skill or grace.

office monkey, roller derby

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