Mar 17, 2007 16:23
I am back from the brink of... well, whatever it was. Pain, tiredness and other things you probably don't want to hear about in great detail. I'm sure you all missed me though. Where would you all be without my updates, after all?
For once though, I was pretty certain I was sick. Usually I get a little sniffle, or a little cough, and I think "It's nothing big, I can still go out and get stuff done." But with this, it was pretty definitely a no on the leaving the house. Which is nice to know, I guess, when you're curled up in bed and wondering if you are really justified in slacking off. Wednesdays are my busiest days, so I've missed a lot. Thursdays aren't so bad, but I could have used it to go to replacement tutorials, if I'd been up to it.
Also, to make you all aware of how seriously ill I was - I was too sick to spend much time online. Half an hour, at the most, while I was recovering. But now I've caught up on your entries, and all is well with the world. Eating wasn't an enticing prospect at all - mostly been living on toast and soup, after the first day where I skipped eating altogether. Food just felt like it sat in my stomach for ages, particularly the oily foods. Blah. Most of the time I only had one "meal" (toast) for the day. Throwing up my anti-nausea medication was amusing (at least after the event, anyway). (For the record, I ended up throwing up three times in total.)
Yesterday I figured I was well enough to go into uni again and maybe hang out a bit with people. Uni was ok, I even did the work before I went in so it was no big deal. Hanging out with people was good, we did get some D&D in, but I ended up heading home fairly early as my stomach started aching again and I was feeling tired. When I got home I pretty much just went straight to bed. Slept from about 9pm till 8am today. Feeling much better, surprisingly enough!
Next week shall be interesting. I have group work to do for one of my subjects, I have my regular tutorials and lectures to catch up on, AND I have myself a job. (Go me!) It is back to Starbucks, because I was getting impatient at not being employed (and every other employer seemed to be sneering at my Starbucks training). So, we shall see how things go this time round. I have to be retrained though, which I'm personally rather thankful for, so next week will be mostly training, then the week after that my shifts will start. It was funny going for the interview, the manager who interviewed me was a barista when I was still working there. So it was half formal, half informal. I wonder if other baristas I knew back then are still around? It'd be nice to find out.
Also, on Sunday we are going to a wedding. I have to be up and getting dressed at 8am! Damn daytime weddings. I think I need a haircut too...
So yes. This will be a busy week. Falling sick last week is certainly preferable to falling sick this week, but I still think it may have made this coming week a tiny little bit more hectic. Ah well...
zombie barista