Oh, what a busy week. Next time I decide to do something like this, somebody slap some sense into me. After
Wednesday's review of The American, everything just goes into a blurry haze. Let's get to linking, shall we?
First, there's the usual weekly film column, in which we talk briefly about The Tillman Story and a screening of Roman Holiday among other things. That would be
Popcorn & Candy: Misdirected Then there's
a review of Woolly Mammoth's excellent production of Sara Ruhl's equally excellent In the Next Room, or the vibrator play.
Then we have three movie reviews:
a review of Robert Rodriguez's Machete, which I saw today was quoted
over on CNN.
And, on DCist, reviews of
Mesrine: Public Enemy #1, the second half of two part French crime film I started reviewing
last week, and
Centurion, Neil Marshall's extra bloody Roman battle flick.
Rest assured I passed out hard at the end of this week.