Title: The Secret-keeper
Day/Theme: 30th March 2011; it is better to be faithful than famous
Series: Code Geass
Character/Pairing: Kallen; one-sided Lelouch/Kallen
Rating: G
She knows. She knows a great many things. Things the world doesn't, things it should yet shouldn't.
For starters, she knows who Zero really is.
She knows that the Zero walking around now is not the original Zero, because Lelouch really was Zero despite what everyone else has been led to believe. In fact, she's got a pretty good idea who is Zero right now, because there's only one possibility. And that's another big headache all on its own.
But perhaps the biggest secret she's keeping is that she knows the truth behind the Demon King. She's never claimed to be a genius, but over time she's managed to piece it all together. She knows what really happened.
She knows why Lelouch died.
She imagines, sometimes, the possible repercussions if she ever told anyone everything. The best she can come up with is their heads would turn so fast their necks would snap clean in two. (In short, not a pretty picture.) It would send a shockwave throughout the world, and she'd be the centre of it.
But she keeps her mouth shut, goes on with her life - just like what he'd asked her to do long ago. She does it partly because some fragment of her heart still loves him, partly because she sees the results of his actions around her - peace, happiness, unity - and if she ever did anything it would all go to waste.
She keeps her silence because she's always believed in him, and looking at the fruits of his one wish she knows she'll always believe in him, Zero. In Lelouch.