The Great Origami Zoo Project

Jun 08, 2010 14:19

In an effort to personalize this journal without revealing any actual personal information that could result in my real life and anything related to that being exposed, I came up with this. Although one wonders if anyone will actually even see this. But anyways, forward we go.

Can't fold origami and not make this. )

*murmur*, origami

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Comments 3

tirsden March 30 2011, 23:11:10 UTC
"Although one wonders if anyone will actually even see this." *pokes* :3

Love the color you picked for the crane. And it took me seven tries to get a random livejournal that wasn't in Russian... yours! ^_^ Write on!


lone_wulffe June 22 2011, 16:09:11 UTC
...I come back after ages to find someone's looked at my origami? O_o

Guess I should resume the online recording then, if someone is actually reading this. XD


tirsden July 8 2011, 15:06:26 UTC
Nobody here but us chickens. :3 For the most part I don't actually even keep up with friend's LJs, too much going on and tooo forgetful. *pokes own brain* Bwah. XD But I did discover recently myself when posting a mini-rant about the retarded (and strange) spam comments I keep getting, that at least one true reader does still pay attention. O.o I've mostly been using my LJ to write fiction / fanfiction and keep the posts locked so only I can see them, then post the finished work elsewhere. I guess I should be writing a few less locked posts too. ^^;;


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