lordy lord lord...

Jan 12, 2005 15:30

i beleive the purpose of college is to see if you can make it through without losing your mind.

case in point: today.

2 years ago i filled out what is known as an "Equivillency form" basically saying "you wanna take this class at another school and that's cool by us and will count it equal to this class here." I took the classes and they were on my transcript and my audit all was well. Then last night, due to computer errors that all changed sometime in the past year. So I go to the dean, explain the problem to them, they send me to degree plan. I wait in line for 30 minutes, they had me a form and tell me to go to my department. I go to my department who says I need a copy of my equivillency form, well this was 2 years ago and their weren't problem and now there are...so do i ahve said form, NO! So i call academic records and they have it, so i go there. The lady holds up my form and says "here it is, but you can't have it (I almost hit her), but I can fax it to the department." Well THANK YOU! So then she makes ME find out the fax number. So I call my department and get that. They fax the form. I call the department back to make sure it got there, it did. So now they are filling out my petition for me (I think the secretary was feeling bad for me at this point) and she's gonna get it signed and then clal me tonight or tomorrow so i can then take it BACK to the dean's office or degree plan depending who needs it when, where and in what order.

And if all that makes sense to you then you are ahead of me who just spent the last hour and a half doing it.

all this to get 6 credits counted as Poli sci electives, jesus.

In other news my relgion teacher made me read from the bible in class today...ew.

I'm gonna go dig into my foreign policy homework and try to maintain my sanity.
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