The game Rez first came out for the Dreamcast a long time ago...and for the longest time, it wasn't even brought over to the US. However, Vidkid7 gave me the opportunity to see what it was like. WOW! about artistic and unique! You fly around wireframe/high-tech levels and lock on to enemies and attack with homing laser things. The really cool thing is that the music is awesome techno/beat stuff and your attacks add sounds to the song, making it really cool.
Vidkid7 also found out that playing certain songs through the stereo at the same time as playing a certain level will result in DISTURBING similar timings. For example, the edited version of "Bohemian Rhapsody" used in ShonenDizzyCow's AMV 'Evangelion Opus' played during the first level has really similar beat/event timing. However, what really stood out was the second stage synced to Juno Reactor's "Mona Lisa Overdrive". That was frickin' rediculous! It was awesome! Here's some screenshots of what the game looks like and descriptions as to what it's about: Also, I have bid on this camera on Ebay for a STEAL of a DEAL: The auction only has 17 minutes left as of writing this! I CAN'T WAIT!
(EDIT!!! EDIT!!!)