This is the stuff that should be on F/X. Or at least Comedy Central.

Jul 14, 2005 09:07

So, I've been clued in by a few folks to check, a site devoted to fan-produced films based on "Star Wars". This site symbolizes geek-dom and obsession to a whole new level. I'll admit, I enjoy the Star Wars films, but nothing in my rational (or id-filled) mind would ever get me involved in something like this.

Sufficient to say, it isn't bad to watch some of these films however.

My example for today:

I was checking out the site, and there's an old film called Troops, a startrooper-like take on Cops. Now, what does this do w/ F/X, the cable channel managed by Fox?

Well, I'll tell you.

Last night, Cramer was mentioning about their new project, Imperial Military Personnel Stories, or I.M.P.S. for short. Now I have to say, as fan-produced films go, this one seems pretty interesting. It has gritty realizm, action and drama, sugar-coated (did they have Sugar in the Empire?) with a nice touch of sarcasm. (After all, these are Stormtroopers we're talking about, right? I mean, you can't honestly expect professionalism from Stormtroopers. But I digress.) The teaser and Chapter 1 - "Davenport Gateway" is available. Lots of nods to sci-fi greats (which you just have to see), with the humor at a level similar to another "trooper-like" series, Red vs. Blue. And, the more I think about it, the more the two series have in common.

Now, F/X shows the TV series "Cops" on a regular basis. And, seeing as "Star Wars" was made by 20th Century Fox, this is a show that might be up their alley.

Anyways, go check it out.

"star wars"

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