Dec 19, 2006 02:51
Am I still playing WoW like a freaking loser? Yeah.
A friend of mine got a 360 recently and there was much rejoicing. And co-op.
Played and beat Gears of War in 2 days in hardcore mode. Very fun, very real, very gory. The only regret I have is not being able to play on live with my friend. I'm wondering whether it's even possible to do the whole split-screen-on-live thing. I mean, it was possible in halo 2, so why not for GoW?
Rainbow Six was next, it looked nice, but... man, Gears of War slightly overshadows it. Maybe it's because we directly switched to it right after we beat GoW. The game was good though, lots of fun, and it was interesting to see just how they totally made R6 a more "action-y" game than it used to be back in the day. It's a shame co-op mode seems so dull though, no story whatsoever. You just kinda do it. Also I don't know why they make you sit there in the helicopter together and stare at each other's face for a couple minutes before some of those missions... when there is normally some hot chick talking next to you. It feels like a very awkward date.
Perfect Dark is an oldie for the 360, but I guess it's a decent time-killer. The voice acting is just so horribly cheesy though. But I did like the fact that the gameplay changes a LOT the second time through, things happen differently depending on what you end up doing... the ever branching storyline made it really just as fun as it was the first time I played it.
MGS: PO or should I say, MGS: bodysnatcher. Playing that quite a bit, but there's still a lot of things that confuse me about the gameplay that I'm trying to figure out... like how to raise my tech level, or what I should do about people who claim they are technicians but they have a "C" ranking for tech. I mean wtf, you're either a technician or you're not. None of this "I can speed up the process" bullshit.
I'd really love to see how it runs online but unfortunately there aren't too many access points for me to sit and play at. The damn network function never seems to connect well with my damn PSP.
The squad based teamwork is supposedly diverse, with some guys who can deliver ammo to the truck or carry bodies faster, but after playing, I realized that all you need is snake to make everyone sleep, and then put 3 other body snatchers to clean up the sleeping bodies. It's interesting at first, but after you realize that you're just picking up some really similar dudes with similar stats, you're like, ah fuck it. Also I have no idea how to invent silencers on my goddamn guns. So all these guys I take in come with guns that I have to throw away from them because if someone fires one bullet the entire base goes fucking crazy. I dunno wtf I'm gonna do after snake's M9 silencer "runs out".