Man, everyone's talking about the latest games and what-not, and I'm sittin' here and playing old games.
It's all WoW's fault.
I'm so busy playing that MMORPG and being sucked into the trenches of that world that I've been neglecting all these other great games... and now I finally realize how little time I spend actually enjoying the other, finer things in life.
Then again, this is also partially because I'm waiting on new computer parts (WOOTness.)
Feast your eyes on THESE babies:
QUAD CORE Ready Motherboard: Other essentials: I'm mostly excited about the new world of overclocking, something I haven't dared try yet with the AMD growing too hot and all. (and not having access to liquid nitrogen)
Let's all hope I don't blow up my computer trying to OC it like crazy.
On the console side of my world, everyone seems to be going nuts about FFXII, but I'm too engrossed playing Valkyrie Profile 2. Unfortunately, I get the feeling that the big honcho FF game is overshadowing VP2, which is a damn shame. VP2's graphics really take advantage of the PS2's graphical processor, making characters and backgrounds look very lush and atmospheric, and the combat system is fun as hell. Highly recommended for the other gaming enthusiasts out there.
I've had a chance to finally play the Xbox360 as well, with Perfect Dark Zero. Hopefully Gears of War will be as good as everyone claimed.