Mar 24, 2005 17:41
As you may have not noticed, but you will after I tell you, I have deleted the pointless, uneducatedly written, not something I need in my live journal to waste space, entries I had written in the past. I will be writing more in my live journal and redoing some of the other entries so they are sure to make the point across and make more sense, and more convincing.
I feel so lonely, I don’t understand. I’ve never ever had to depend on a man for happiness, I don’t know why I would need to now... Maybe it’s not that, maybe I’m just being gay. I used to be sooo happy, nothing could have ever brought me down, but now... now things have turned to shit and that really does not float my boat. Also I would like to give all my good friend my sincerest apologies for the way I have been behaving, I haven’t been spending time with most of you and I’m sorry. I’ve just been so down lately, I don’t feel like doing anything anymore. Ian & Matt I’m not avoiding you and Ian I will try to return your calls! I’m sorry guys!!! Courtney... I’m sorry I’ve been being such a bitchy jackrump, I’m not mad at you, I love you to death!!! Anyone else who feels they deserve an apology just tell tell me and I’ll contemplate weather I feel you deserve it! Lol.
Maybe it’s just a combination of a plethora of different things....Where the hell did I come up with a word like plethora? Anywho, I would like everyone to know that I made the B team for softball! I’m sooo happy! Jesus, it all started out that today I went to the final try out and we did a PLETHORA of different activities, then coaches called us in to a room to talk to us individually. When I was called in they told me ‘You’re a really great player but there’s just not enough space on the team... and you need to work on your field mechanics.’ Bitches. So in the mist of my agonizing sorrow, the phone rang! It was one of the coaches! Wootang mother Trucker!!! She told me that she was going to move something around or something like that and that she would really like me to be on the be team! Jesus I almost crapped my pants. After I departed from the phone I started to cry again, only this time it wasn’t agonizing cries of sorrow, it was a gratified cries of exhilaration! Ha ha ha Gee I guess I’m just full of words today! I was just informed at... 4:58 PM that a plethora of other girls that tried out for softball made the B team as well, and they’re the girls that I was almost positive would make the A team. W-T-F mate! [sigh] Ditches and croes AH HA HA HA HA that was a good one! [clearing throat]
Any who, yes, as I was saying about the entries in my live journal. I plan to rewrite a few of them and make changes to others... I’m repeating myself.
Hey guys, I need some advice. There’s this girl that goes to my school, and she is really not the type of person that I want to hang out with. But it’s just one of those situations where she has few or no friends, and that breaks my heart because nobody deserves that. Plus, she doesn’t have much parental guidance going on at home, so she doesn’t make very good decisions. I just don’t like her but I’m nice to her anyways. But that’s not the point, the point is that she asked me for my phone number but I didn’t want her calling my house so I gave her a fake number... Was that the right thing to do? I don’t have the heart to tell her that I’d rather not give her my number... What should I have done? What should I do now? Ger!!!!! By the way... if anyone has a number with the last digits of 8191.... she’ll be calling you.