
Feb 09, 2010 23:26

Anyway, I've always loved the Coutach, especially with all the extra wide body stuff and ginormous wing. So, I bought one in the game, and asked Lauren what color should I paint it. "Penis Colored!" "Umm... Okay, I guess." *shrug, paints*

It's a few weeks later, "Hey Lauren, should I add some stripes or something to the Lamborghini?" "Give it a 'landing strip!'" "That's brilliant!" *paints a dark brown trapezoidal stripe* "You know what this car needs? Cocks!" So, a couple days ago I spend some time in the Vinyl editor making a stylized outline of a penis, replete with testicles and I plaster it on both sides of the Lambo.

So, I played my first game of Forza3 online tonight. I know, after all the time I talked about getting a regular game going, and I JUST got around to it. Sue me. I suggest a B class race, as that's what the Lambo is tuned for. Pretty much everyone racing is being a total dipshit, except one guy that actually gets what it means to have fun competing. So, we're talking while racing about ass-clowns and why I suggested the B Class race...

"You know what the B in B Class stands for? I'll give you a hint..."
"I saw that one coming."

I'm glad some people just get it. Also, whenever anyone side-swiped me as I tried to pass them (which was pretty much everyone that I tried to pass) I thanked them for touching my enormous penis. I just wish I could put a picture of the car so I could pull it from the interwebz.
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