LJ - Texture Resource List (Feb 13, 2013)
I went through my resource lists and updated them as best as I could. I've moved all LJs/Sites that are closed, or no longer updated, to this post. If you are the owner of any of these sites and have a new URL, please let me know so that I can change the link. Thank you!
**Updated list as of Feb. 13, 2013
Here's a list of all the texture resources that I have in my resources folders. It's a very long list, so I'll try not to miss anyone. I haven't used resources by everyone listed, but I wanted to credit just in case I forget to in my posts.
I will also be updating this when new resources are downloaded and used. Btw, if you see something that is yours and I didn't credit, please tell me so that I can add you. Thank you!