Art: Icon Post - Emma Watson

Jul 25, 2010 19:50

Here is a big (for me) icon post with Emma Watson. I loved her photoshoots and was inspired to make these, which hasn't happened in a bit, so I'm happy my muse was around to do it. Hope y'all like them! Enjoy!

- 28 Emma Watson

-Always credit me for my work.
-Do NOT alter my art in any way.
-Do NOT post my art anywhere without my permission first.
-For icons made from my manips, please write: manip and icon made by lone_starling88
-Textless icons are NOT bases. Do not alter them, please.
-Comments are love.

Thank you!!


I'm amazed that I did so many, but I really liked these pictures. Sorry for the repetition, but I always want to find different ways of using the same pictures/bases. Hope y'all don't mind.

**LJ-Cut: "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper




Emma Watson Pictures: iheartwatson and daydreaming

All Textures:

Livejournals= chaoticfae @ dustypaper, daylight-rose @ glass_lillies, emonet25 @ grafixed_art, eveningwalk, icons_are_hot, infinite_muse, letos @ stars_scream, lifeisdolce, luux-lu @ purple_inthesky, nokitas @ aube_des_arts, pinkandroid @ metr0p0lis, reyesphile @ cooloring, soaked, talipuu @ mirror skies, uncreativ @ colormetwice, velvetb0x, yunhe

Sites= banquier and horizonroad

Coloring Tutorials=
A) letos @ stars_scream, Tutorial #011 - Jessica Alba
B) letos @ stars_scream - Tut #18, Amanda Bynes coloring tut/a>

art: icons, actress: emma watson

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