Here's a huge batch (over 100) of icons I've made these past few days. There's a fandom mixture, so I hope y'all like them.
- 6 Bruce Wayne/Batman icons
- 2 Buffy icons
- 45 Chloe icons
- 4 Chloe/Lex icons
- 2 Draco/Hermione icons
- 22 Lex icons
- 4 Lex/Chloe/Clark icons
- 5 Lex/Chloe/Bruce (Batman) icons
- 2 Logan/Mackenzie (LoMac) icons
- 6 Spike icons (WARNING: NOT-WORKSAFE)
- 5 Spike/Buffy icons
-Always credit me for my work.
-Do NOT alter my art in any way.
-Do NOT post my art anywhere without my permission first.
-For icons made from my manips, please write: manip and icon made by
lone_starling88 -Comments are love.
Thank you!!
I can't believe that I've made all of these within the past two days, but it's true. I think I'm doing as much as I can before I go on a tiny hiatus due to family coming over for a visit. As you can see, these are most of my fave fandoms that I've decided to icon. Granted, I'm still not that great at icon-making, but I'm trying. All manips that are in this batch are mine and can be found in previous LJ entries.
Ok, with the exception of the Lex/Chloe/Batman ones cause I haven't posted those yet. Sorry, but you will get the larger pieces soon. Promise. Just wanted to make a few banners before I posted them. All icons are noted in this way because I'm a total anal person when it comes to cataloging and giving credit to people. Plus, it makes it easier for me to remember everything I've already posted. Ok, enough from me. Enjoy!!
ETA: Eeep!!! Before I forget, the Spike icons are from my 'Sexy Spike' manip, hence the Not-Worksafe warning. Yes, I did make some icons from it. *smirks*
**LJ-cut: 'Lacrymosa' by Evanescence
Method influenced by
fashion_victimx wrote in icon_tutorial, Icon Tutorial - Gossip Girls Cutout. (I used my own coloring because I don't have Selective Coloring.)
Textless Icons (all fandoms)
Chlex & Lex/Chloe/Clark
Dramione, LoMac, and Spuffy (Buffy)
Following uses coloring tutorial by
kellyrottenx, Tutorial 23 Lex/Chloe Triangles with Clark and Batman
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Chloe and Spuffy Icons
Spike Icons - NWS!!
All pictures and bases can be found in my Resource - Gallery Entry
Icons influenced by tutorial from
fashion_victimx wrote in icon_tutorial, Icon Tutorial - Gossip Girls Cutout **both textures by:
bambinainnero Chlex Icons - Lyrics Used
1. Hot Stuff (Chloe): AMWeb; brush=
kissncontrol brushes 2. True Love's First Kiss (Chlex): my manip; 'True Love's First Kiss' - Shrek
3. Your Eyes Can be so Cruel (Lex): kryptonite; 'Within You' by David B.
4. Nothing in My Life is Free (Lex): 'Freak on a Leash' by Korn
5. Shattered by Your Smile (Chloe): 'Shattered' by The Cranberries
6. Can't Change Who I Am (Lex): 'Lacrymosa' by Evanescence
7. Don't Try to Fix Me (Lex): 'Hello' by Evanescence
8. I'm Not Broken (Lex): 'Hello' by Evanescence
9. A Beautiful Lie (Lex): 'A Beautiful Lie' by 30 Seconds to Mars
10. Beautiful Lie to Believe In (Lex): 'A Beautiful Lie' by 30 Seconds to Mars
1. Home My Heart Searched For (LoMac): my manip; 'It Is You (I Have Loved)' by Dana Glover
2. Loved You All Along (Dramione): my manip; 'Far Away' by Nickelback
3. My Beloved Monster and Me (Spuffy): my manip; 'My Beloved Monster' by Eels
kellyrottenx, Tutorial 23 Chloe/Lex Triangles
1. My Love is on the Line: my manip (triangle); textures=
meleada; brush=
kissncontrol brushes (heart); lyrics= 'Sick and Tired' by Anastacia
2. Hopelessly Addicted (triangle): my manip; brushes=
kissncontrol brushes and
ownthesunshine; texture (for 2)=
ewanism3. LexChloeClark - 1B: my manip; brush=
ownthesunshine Bruce Wayne Icons pics from
Christian Bale Fan 1. The Bat Man: texture=
xgraphicjunkie2. 100 - textured: texture=
ownthesunshine3. Smile, I'll Face the World: lyrics= 'Shape of You' by Beverley Knight
Chloe - Costume BW_1-2: textures=
spooky-window Spike/Spuffy Icons
1. Sexy Spike (A-C): my manip; textures=
latexandleather and
ownthesunshine2. Uses 'Nasty Naughty Boy' lyrics by Christina Aguilera; brushes by
amethystia100- Breaking Into a Sweat
- Give a Little Taste
- Naughty Boy
3. Spuffy - BW (heart): my manip; brush=
kissncontrol brushes (heart)