Here's my tutorial on how to fix the blue caps/stills from Smallville. I'm using these Chloe/Clark stills because I wanted to use Chloe for one of my arts, but needed to fix the coloring. More examples found at the bottom.
SV Stills from
Allison Mack Web 1. Get your base and crop it to 100x100 px. I'm going to use this one:
2. Duplicate it once and set it to screen 50-72%. (It depends on how light/dark you want it.) I set mine to 70%.
3. Create a channel mixer layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Channel Mixer) with these settings:
RED: 144, 12, 10
Green: 21, 98, 6
Blue: -15, 1, 98
4. Create a levels layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Levels) with these settings:
RGB: 19, 0.98, 245
RED: 0, 1.21, 255
GREEN: 0, 1.02, 255
BLUE: 0, 0.93, 255
5. DONE! This is what your finished picture should look like:
***NOTE: for the other examples, I added a Curves, Levels, or new Channel Mixer layer.
Other examples
-Please credit me for my tutorials.
-Blank icons are not bases, but if you'd like me to personalize one, I will.
-Comments are love.
Thank you!!