(no subject)

Jul 20, 2010 18:42

        Popular Online personality That Guy with the Glasses, Doug Walker AKA Nostalgia Critic is in the middle of a scandal.


Nostalgia Critic is a popular online reviewer / heckler who mocks films and TV shows from the last thirty or so years.   The majority of what he reviews are science fiction and fantasy such as Independence Day, Hook, Ferngully, A troll in central park, A kid in King Arthur's court, Cloverfield, Super Mario Brothers, Gargoyles, Junior, He-man, Battlefield Earth, Flubber, and more...


Last Tuesday Nostalgia Critic reviewed a fairly recent independent movie called The Room.  The review spoofed on Back to the Future as a means to "make the movie nostalgia" even though the film is only eight years old (He usually won't review anything less than ten years old).  Only six hours after the review was published the review for the Room abruptly was pulled down off the site along with a review of The Room done by Linkara (Another critic from That Guy with the Glasses website).

All though Doug and Rob Walker had said they could not discuss it at the time the fan speculation had gone through the roof.


To add to the apparent chaos the three minute sample for the Rifftrax (Formerly Mystery science Theater 3000) heckling of The Room was removed from youtube, reportedly because of a copyright claim by Tommy Wiseau (the writer, director and star of The Room).

Today I was told that Tommy Wiseau said on his Twitter that he doesn't mind criticism, but when more than two bash his movie it becomes a crowd.

I don't know how true this quote is or if the quote might have been removed. I did I search on Twitter and this was the only Tommy Wiseau I could find.   If he did make that comment it's been removed now.


If Tommy Wiseau really did have the reviews and Rifftrax sample of The Room removed it could prove to be bad news for past and future reviews by Nostalgia Critic should the rights of Fair Use for film content in his reviews come into question.

Update: As I write this for you guys the Nostalgia critic retaliated against Tommy Wiseau who definitely DID remove the review for copyright reasons despite fair use and spoof laws.

Here's Nostalgia critic's somewhat funny response to his first legal issue shut down of one of his film reviews.


For more information about this 'issue' you can E-mail the man who had the videos removed at   theroom@theroommovie.com

I don't know about any of you guys but as a loyal fan of Nostalgia critic and a believer in freedom of speech I am now going to boycot this movie until Nostalgia critic gets an apology and is allowed to put his review back up. This was WRONG on many levels.
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