Kaitlin made my day...

Sep 28, 2004 15:14

(from previous entry)

http://images.quizilla.com/P/ProlixFootle/1090949642_ialsocial5.gif" border="0" alt="The Lone Wolf">
Category V - The Lone

Though you'd be welcome in most groups, you prefer
a more solitary path.

http://quizilla.com/users/ProlixFootle/quizzes/What%20Type%20of%20Social%20Entity%20are%20You%3F/"> What Type of Social Entity are You?
brought to you by quizillahttp://quizilla.com">Quizilla>

Morning: Nothing much, except a few comments and giggles occured. Pfft, and "you're stuck with being portrayed as friends with..."

one-francais: Extremely awesome, as always. Hehehe Eskimo.

twothree-block: I was sort of lost the whole day teetering in flashblacks and thinking off subject. When I really tried hard I got a few ideas... I don't think I did my best. My snapshot poster was done. I hope people don't laugh at my funny face too much. =)

four-g. arts: Relaxing as always, but we had this horrible sub who had a annoyingly squeeky voice who broke my "zone" a bunch of times. Sheesh lady you broke my zone!

lunch: I dont want second lunch anymore. Maybe second semester I'll have first. I mean second is okay, but I would rather have first. Maybe, hmm I'll have to think about that.

five-algebra: Easy... like most days. We took that job occupation thing. I chose 118, 123, and 320. Writer, Journalist, Zoologist. They didn't have historian. Hmm..

six-pscience: Pretty cool today, we're up 14 points from everyone. Rock on!

Nothing much happened after school. So I am at home now.. erm. Bored. I don't have any homework.

hmm... wonder if ivila is home.

Have you:

1. Kissed your cousin: Sure why not
2. Ran away: To my front yard
3. Pictured your crush naked: Erm- I don't have a crush. 
4. Seen your crush naked: ERM!? I DONT HAVE A CRUSH! Hahah weirdos.
5. Broken someone's heart: Don't believe.
6. Been in love: Maybe.
7. Cried when someone died: Hm..
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Indeed.
9. Broken a bone: Non.
10. Drank alcohol: Non. Well I've had sips, but thats not drinking alcohol. 
11. Lied: Hmn..
12. Cried in school: Ah.


13. Coke or Pepsi: Coke.
14. Sprite or 7up: Sprite.
15. Girls or guys: Guys.
16: Flowers or candy: You can't eat flowers.
17. Scruff or Clean shaven: Erm. I don't dislike either, I don't have a preferance. 
18. Quiet or Loud: Inside voices.
19. Blondes or brunettes: Brunettes
20. Bitchy or slutty: How about humble?
21. Tall or short: How about Rolie Poli Oli?
22. Jeans or Shorts: Jeans


23. What do you notice first: Nose, buwhahah.
24. Last person you slow danced with:  Erm *mumbles* At the Gorge... with a batender guy..
25. Trust the most: Kristen.


26. Showered: About a month ago.

27. Had a deep conversation: I have one every day in block.
28. Had a great time with the opposite sex: Uhm. At lunch I suppose two days ago? With Ross?


29. Your good luck charm: My thoughts (certain ones) and something my cousin taught me awhile ago. Man he rocks. THANK YOU! Mr. Hancock.

30. Person you hate most: 'tis bad to be filled with hate.


31. Slumber party game: I only play Truth or Truth. but uhm... hide n' go seek and the Gilman game with ivila rocks.
32. Color(s): Green, Black 
34. Book:  PoA
35. Subject in school: French, Block, all except Math

36. Juice: Fandew (ivila!)

37. Car: Black Honda Civic from Maryland

38. Ice cream: French Vanilla with a ton of chocolate syrup
39. Holiday: July 14th, Bastille Day

40. Season: WINTER!
41. Breakfast food: French Toast
42. Place to go with your honey: Don't have a "honny". Uhm.... the forest.


43. Makes you laugh the most: (my age) Marie (its the truth) And the adults that make me laugh are... well their too cool to be listed here =)
44. Makes you smile: Emily, Kaitlin, Steph, Marie, Katie, IVILA! Other people...

45. Gives you a funny feeling when you see them: *no comment* But someone..


50. Sit by the phone: Indeed, I am right now. EVIL ANARCHIST PHONE!
51. Save AIM conversations: Indeed


56. Cologne: Lavender Ginger, and sometimes a light AXE smell.. it reminds me.
57. Perfume: Jasmine


62. Made out with JUST a friend?: Uhm, *shivers* NO! Weirdos.
68. Cheated on someone? Yeah, that poor dude who I looked on his test in 6th grade. (jk)
69. Been cheated on?: YES! Sheesh, let's use the "smart girl's" anwsers. No okay there was this time in block we were supposed to watch this movie on the Revolution and we had this test on it to do durring the movie. I had it done within the minute that it was passed to me and by the time the movie started my anwsers had circulated throughout the room. So PFFFT!
70. Been kissed?: Indeed
71. Done something you regret?: INDEED!


72. You touched?: Maybe Emily, I'm not sure. Its not like I go up to people or aniamls and poke them.. unlike my sister. *rolls eyes* Ewe.
73. You talked to?: (in person) My mom I think.

74. You hugged?: Uhm! I can't remember? I haven't had a hug for days. Uhm maybe Kim overline? Buwhahah Kim! 
75. You instant messaged?: Jenny from Nova Scotia 
76. You kissed?: Uhh.. I dont know!
77. You had sex with?:  Making cookies.

78. You yelled at?: Mom, last night. Blammed me for "stinking" up the room with my shoes when the bissel carpet cleaner water spilled. 
79. You laughed with?: Emily.
80. Who broke your heart?: *No comment* 
81. Who told you they loved you last?: Well not necessarily to me (that'd be creepy) but more like my whole class, my science teacher! She's so cool!


82. Color your hair?: Indeed, and am going to streak it again with.. well I havent decided black anyone? It is blonde, orange, and brown now. 
83. Have tattoos?: Non

84. Have a piercing?: Not anymore. I pierced my own ear in 8th grade but the back closed on me. 
85 Own a webcam.?: Non.
86 Own a thong?: Indeed. ONLY ONE.. And I DO NOT  wear the thing. It was a dare to buy it from a shop! Sheesh.
87 Ever get off the damn computer?: Rarely.
88 Sprechen sie deutsche?: Non, I am not Dutch. Je ne c'est pas deutsche, en francais. J'ai wish.
89 Habla espanol?: Non, see above. 
90.Quack?:  CF I MISS YOU!


91 Stolen anything?: Indeed.
92 Smoke?: Non.
93 Schizophrenic?: Non, but some say I have a split personality.
94 Obsessive?: Indeed.
95 Compulsive?: Rarely
96 Obsessive compulsive?: The type where the person sets too high of standards and beats themself up if they go wrong. Classic perfectionist. DARNIT YOU ALPHA! I didn't ask for your... perfectionistness.. to rub off on me! 
97 Panic?: Rarely, I don't get scared much any more. 
98 Anxiety?: When I'm waiting for perticular emails. *wink* 
99 Depressed?: Mmm, no, but I won't say that I'm never depressed. It's normal to be depessive sometimes. 
100 Suicidal?: I have been, but not anymore. No that is gone, I have to live for certain things now anyways! And a certain infestation in my life has been eradicated. 
101 Obsessed with hate?: Non. My dears, if we're based on hate isn't it taking a step back from humanity?

Ah. *listening to French music* AM IN MY HAPPY PLACE!

Holy crows.. *spaces out.. BUWHAHAH!!*



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